Sep 22, 2024  
2012-2013 University Catalog 
2012-2013 University Catalog [Archived Catalogue]


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The course catalogue contains information on all active courses offered by the University including: title, course number, credits, contact hours, prerequisites, offering college, priority enrollment, repeatability, and restrictions.  Courses listed in the catalogue are not offered every semester.  To access a listing of course sections being offered during a particular term refer to the Course Section Offerings page on the Office of the Registrar website. 

Course Renumbering

Commencing with the 2013-14 academic year the University began a multi-year course renumbering.  For additional information visit the Course Renumbering page on the Office of the Registrar website.

Renumbered Course List 

  • Division of Liberal Arts
    Many courses within the Division of Liberal Arts commencing with the Summer and Fall 2014 terms will be offered under new course numbers. Students registering for Summer 2014 coursework and beyond will do so using the new course numbers.

Course Search

  • AEDU 200  Presentation Skills

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    This course addresses effective speech and presentation skills for the teacher, artist, and administrator communicating with groups, classes, or clients.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 201  Introduction to Visual Arts Education

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    2 credits 37.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    A theoretical and practical introduction to the entire field of art education with an emphasis on studio processes. A survey of various aspects of teaching in a variety of situations and environments, through field observations and classroom lectures/discussions, including public and private schools K-12, as well as specialized and alternative settings in museum education, early childhood education, special education (for students with disabilities and gifted children), and adult education.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 490  Independent Study

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    1 - 6 credits undefined hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Independent Study offers a matriculated student the opportunity to initiate individual research or advanced projects that are beyond the limits of the standard curriculum. Enrollment is limited, please see the Independent Study policy in the catalogue for more information.

    Restricted to Undergraduate students.
    This course may be repeated for credit.
    This course may not be audited.
    This course cannot be taken pass/fail.
  • AEDU 499  Internship

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    1.5 - 6 credits undefined hours
    500 level graduate course

    Open to Art Education majors and concentrations only.
    Special Tuition & Fees Apply
    This course may be completed 4 times for credit.
    This course is graded pass/fail only.
  • AEDU 501  Creative and Cognitive Development

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    This course is designed to develop skills in recognizing the developmental stages of children, adolescents, and adults according to the theories of Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, Viktor Lowenfeld, and Erick Erickson. In addition, the course explores the learning theories of Jerome Bruner, B.F. Skinner, Howard Gardner, Madeline Hunter, and Bernice McCarthy toward understanding individual differences in creative and cognitive development and learning styles.

    Priority enrollment to Art Education majors and concentrations.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 503  The Art of Teaching

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    Teacher preparation and knowledge of instructional techniques will be addressed, including professional image, teachers’ rights and responsibilities, and aspects of group process. The course explores cultural and family factors that influence learning expectations conveyed by teachers and peer behavior and techniques of instruction and creativity. A retrospective analysis of each student’s individual education experience and perceptions of teaching is explored through interactive simulation of classroom situations and teaching styles.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 509  Professional Writing Intensive

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    2 credits 30.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    This course is required for students entering all art education programs (pre-certification, MAT, MA) who have not passed the Art Education Department writing proficiency exam. It addresses the use of effective and cogent written communication for the teacher, artist, and administrator to classes, groups, or clients.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course is graded pass/fail only.
  • AEDU 510  Service Learning

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    1 - 3 credits undefined hours
    500 level graduate course

    Through placements in a public, private, or other institutional setting serving special education students and/or ELL (English Language Learners), students observe, plan, and teach art lessons with guidance and supervision by an assigned mentor. The course enables pre-practicum (student teaching) students to extend their knowledge and skills into the classroom, to address genuine community needs, and to develop a sense of social justice and civic responsibility.

    Open to Art Education majors only
    This course may be completed 4 times for credit.
  • AEDU 531  Multicultural Learning-Arts

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    The artistic expressions of Africa, Asia, the Americas, the Near and Middle East, and related societies are examined for their aesthetic and contextual meanings. Cross-cultural contributions to world art history are recognized through the study of characteristic styles and techniques, dynastic periods of art and artists, as well as the relationship of art to varied systems of belief.

    Priority enrollment to Art Education majors and concentrations.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 532  Meeting Needs of ELL Learners

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    This 15-week course will address the issues and complexities regarding the cultural, educational, and linguistic background of ELL’s. Application to standards-based instruction aligned with alernative assessments will be explored as well as gaining knowledge of ELL program development as stated by Pennsylvania’s Basic Education Curricular (BEC) documents for ELL’s. Legal responsibilites will be addressed as states by the Office of Civil Rights as a way to keep students informed of the rights of ELL’s.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 533  Art and Inclusionary Education

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    This course is designed to provide the full scope of methodologies, techniques and innovative strategies needed to teach special education students effectively. Using the arts as a means for adapting to diverse learning methods, the K-12 classroom is regarded as a dynamic setting for inclusionary learning. The impact of special needs art education is further realized through direct school and community engagement; programs and national as well as local organizations, are made available to assist in developing field placements. Arranged field placement opportunities include a broad range of community resources.

    Priority enrollment to Art Education majors and concentrations.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 541  Program Design & Methods: Elementary

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    Through review of current literature, lectures, discussion, field observation, and mini-teaching, students explore various educational philosophies and develop and implement effective classroom curricula based on prevailing theories of learning and child development. Topics include management issues; interdisciplinary content and teaching of art; evaluation and assessment of teaching and learning; and the integration of digital technology.

    Prerequisites AEDU*201

    Priority enrollment to Art Education majors and concentrations.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 542  Program Design & Methods: Secondary

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    Students in this course will explore current educational “best practices” in the field of secondary art education. Focus areas for learning will include curriculum development, lesson planning, classroom leadership, collaborative learning, student assessment, learning environments, materials ordering, and time budgeting. Class structure includes weekly outside reading assignments, group discussions, methods demonstrations, studio production activities, reflective writing, and field observation. Includes 3 hours field work (8 weeks).

    Prerequisites AEDU*541 or AEDU*560

    Open to Art Education majors and concentrations only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 543  Aesthetics and Art Criticism

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    This course is designed to develop skills, techniques, and strategies for integrating developmentally appropriate aesthetics and art criticism activities in the K-12 classroom. Using prevailing theories of learning, teaching, and child development, students will design puzzle cases, activities, and curricula that promote the philosophical investigation and interpretation of art and aesthetic objects.

    Priority enrollment to Art Education majors and concentrations.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course can fulfill a liberal arts elective or free elective requirement.

  • AEDU 560  Saturday Practicum

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    Students are involved in various aspects of the Saturday Arts Lab. They observe classroom instruction, plan and teach lessons, and exhibit student work under the supervision of cooperating master teachers and through the instruction of a professor in the seminar portion of the course. Field work(10 weeks).

    Open to Art Education majors and concentrations only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 561  Student Teaching: Elementary

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    4 credits undefined hours
    500 level graduate course

    An intensive, elementary-level field experience built around a seven-week student teaching internship, under the guidance and supervision of a highly qualified art teacher/mentor. It is intended to provide practical experience in which the intern assumes professional-level responsibilities and experiences in teaching art at the elementary level. A University supervisor observes, advises, facilitates the relationship between the mentor and intern, and assesses the student during the internship. AEDU 561 is taken concurrently with AEDU 565. (If students elect to take AEDU 561 one semester and AEDU 562 another semester, AEDU 565 must be taken both semesters.)

    Prerequisites AEDU*533, AEDU*541, AEDU*542, and AEDU*560

    Corequisite Course(s): AEDU*565

    Open to Art Education majors and concentrations only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • AEDU 562  Student Teaching: Secondary

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    4 credits undefined hours
    500 level graduate course

    An intensive, secondary-level field experience built around a seven-week student teaching internship, under the guidance and supervision of a highly qualified art teacher/mentor. It is intended to provide practical experience in which the intern assumes professional-level responsibilities and experiences in teaching art at the elementary level. A University supervisor observes, advises, facilitates the relationship between the mentor and intern, and assesses the student during the internship. AEDU 562 is taken concurrently with AEDU 565. (If students elect to take AEDU 562 one semester and AEDU 561 another semester, AEDU 565 must be taken both semesters.)

    Prerequisites AEDU*533, AEDU*541, AEDU*542, and AEDU*560

    Corequisite Course(s): AEDU*565

    Open to Art Education majors and concentrations only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • AEDU 565  Student Teaching Seminar: Elementary/Secondary

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    Discussion and analysis of: field experiences; special workshops; Literacy: Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum: Professional Teaching Portfolios; One-Year Curriculums for an Elementary and a Secondary Grade. Continuing development and refinement of skills in reflective practice is emphasized as well as the needs of special learners. AEDU 565 is taken concurrently with AEDU 561 and AEDU 562. (If students elect to take AEDU 561 and AEDU 562 over two semesters, AEDU 565 Student Teaching Seminar must be taken both semesters.)

    Prerequisites AEDU*533, AEDU*541, AEDU*542, and AEDU*560

    Open to Art Education majors and concentrations only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • AEDU 600  Graduate Art Ed Colloquium

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    600 level graduate course

    This course assumes that some of the program participants either are teachers now or may teach at some level during their professional careers. The colloquium is an interdisciplinary forum intended to relate studio development and accomplishment as well as critical, aesthetic, and historical aspects of art, to the process and implementation of learning and teaching. Utilizing lectures, readings, visual resources and directed group dynamics and discussions, the colloquium explores varied topics during each of the four summers.

    Open to Art Education majors and concentrations only. Restricted to graduate students.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • AEDU 602  History of Ideas in Art and Museum Education

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    600 level graduate course

    Seminar on major issues and trends in the history of art and museum education, with an emphasis on child-centered and content-centered theories and the theoretical antecedents of Discipline-Based Art Education, the Visual Culture movement, and standards-based education.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 606  Research in Education: Methods and Trends

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    600 level graduate course

    A graduate education seminar on principal approaches to research for art and museum education. The course examines types of research, applications and recent studies for their methodologies and findings, grant writing, and assessment techniques.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 610  Graduate Studio Seminar

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    600 level graduate course

    A one-semester interdisciplinary seminar exclusively for art educators. Topics of broad concern to studio artists are addressed in response to students’ work, assigned readings, and occasional public lectures or other art events in the University and the community.

    Open to Art Education majors and concentrations only. Restricted to graduate students.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 621  Educational Media A: Teaching and Learning Online

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    600 level graduate course

    This online course provides students with the knowledge, skills, and strategies to successfully integrate educational media into the teaching and learning of K-12 art. Areas of study include theoretical and conceptual basis for educational technology; instructional practices and strategies; approaches to integrating technology into the curriculum; training and development of technology skills, such as computer graphics, Web page design, and electronic presentations; and issues and problems related to technology use in education.

    Computer Literacy Required
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 622  Educational Media B: Planning and Management Online

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    500 level graduate course

    This online course addresses the design, planning, and management of educational media in the K-12 classroom and school. Topics include developing a technology plan; software and hardware acquisition and assessment; care, maintenance, and security of classroom and lab computer technologies; networking concepts, design, and protocols; Internet basics and issues; and managing technological and human resources. Online guest speakers support the study of these topics. Independent online visitations to either K-12 educational settings, technology fairs, conferences, or businesses.

    Computer Literacy Required
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 625  Interactive Media

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    600 level graduate course

    This course acquaints students with existing technology and media available for instruction to art and museum educators. Students learn to design and create interactive multimedia projects using a variety of multimedia authoring tools.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 631  Design for Interdisciplinary Learning

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    600 level graduate course

    An introduction and curricular model for integrated learning in which design and the visual arts, music, theater, and dance are the central means of integrating all disciplines to provide a more holistic approach to learning. An approach to arts-centered learning through a design-based, problem-solving model is emphasized to address issues in all subjects and at all levels of education.

    Priority enrollment to Art Education majors and concentrations.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 632  Applications of Interdisciplinary Learning

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    600 level graduate course

    Practical application of the knowledge gained in variety of curriculum frameworks. Students use a variety of models and thematic approaches to develop integrated arts curriculum that relates the arts to other disciplines. In keeping with interdisciplinarity in a postmodern aesthetic, students use a variety of interactive media. Class sessions include lectures, media presentations, discussions, interactive group activities, guest presenters, and workshops in the University and the community.

    Prerequisites AEDU*631

    Restricted to graduate students.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AEDU 690  Graduate Independent Study

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    1.5 - 6 credits undefined hours
    600 level graduate course

    Independent Study offers a matriculated student the opportunity to initiate individual research or advanced projects that are beyond the limits of the standard curriculum. Enrollment is limited, please see the Independent Study policy in the catalogue for more information.

    Restricted to graduate students.
    This course may be repeated for credit.
    This course may not be audited.
    This course cannot be taken pass/fail.
  • AEDU 695  Graduate Project/Thesis

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    600 level graduate course

    Culminating independent project supervised by a faculty advisor. The graduate project or thesis may take either of two distinct forms: a) an academic thesis presenting original research in a significant historical, theoretical, or pedagogical question relating to visual arts education, or b) a studio or curriculum project intended for use as a pedagogical tool. This course may not be taken in a 6 credit block.

    Prerequisites AEDU*602, AEDU*606, and AEDU*610

    Open to Art Education majors and concentrations only. Restricted to graduate students.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
    This course is graded pass/fail only.
  • AETH 301  Introduction to Art Therapy

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Introduces students to key concepts and dimensions of the art therapy profession. Course content addresses the different orientations and approaches that comprise this discipline, as well as the diverse populations that are served. Art therapists who work within a wide range of settings are invited to present to the class to balance the theoretical with the practical.

    Prerequisites LASS*871 and LASS*872

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AETH 302  Social and Group Process

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Introduces students to a basic understanding of social groups, group behaviors, group therapy, and group art therapy. The class helps students to better identify their own role as well as that of others within a group setting. Experiential art tasks are used to underscore course material and exemplify group dynamics.

    Prerequisites AETH*301

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AETH 303  Theories and Techniques of Art Therapy With Adults

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This course explores the practice of art therapy with adults as demonstrated through the use of case material from a variety of clinical populations. Overviews of diagnostic indicators as seen in artwork are presented. Issues of long- and short-term treatment are addressed, as well as a rich variety of interventions that are at the art therapists’ disposal.

    Prerequisites AETH*304

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AETH 304  Theories and Techniques of Art Therapy With Children and Adolescents

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Introduces students to the use of art therapy with children and adolescents, including the different arenas where art therapists work with children, as well as the various approaches that are utilized. Normal child development, as evidenced in artwork, serves as the foundation for understanding key concepts. Indicators of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral difficulties, as seen in art productions, are also presented.

    Prerequisites LASS*973 and AETH*301

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course is equated with the following courses: AETH*304,AT*302,AT*304, AT*304,AETH*304,AT*304
  • AETH 401  Senior Practicum

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    A field placement provides an opportunity for the student to apply classroom knowledge to work within a specific clinical setting. A research paper, based on the experience, enables students to integrate theory with observation and practice. This practicum includes on-site individual supervision by an art therapist, as well as a small group supervision on campus with the Art Therapy faculty.

    Prerequisites AETH*303 and LASS*974

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • AETH 490  Independent Study

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    1 - 6 credits undefined hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Independent Study offers a matriculated student the opportunity to initiate individual research or advanced projects that are beyond the limits of the standard curriculum. Enrollment is limited, please see the Independent Study policy in the catalogue for more information.

    Restricted to Undergraduate students.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
    This course may not be audited.
    This course cannot be taken pass/fail.
  • AETH 690  Graduate Independent Study

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    1.5 - 6 credits undefined hours
    600 level graduate course

    Independent Study offers a matriculated student the opportunity to initiate individual research or advanced projects that are beyond the limits of the standard curriculum. Enrollment is limited, please see the Independent Study policy in the catalogue for more information.

    Restricted to graduate students.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course may not be audited.
    This course cannot be taken pass/fail.
  • CAIN 497  Design Internship

    College of Art, Media & Design CAMD Cross-College

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Special Tuition & Fees Apply
    This course may be repeated for credit.
    This course is graded pass/fail only.
  • CAIN 498  Fine Arts/Crafts Internship

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Opportunities to apprentice to practicing artists, gain gallery experience, and work with non-profit organizations, which leads to practical experience and knowledge about the field.

    Open to Fine Arts and Crafts majors only. Requires completion of 45 credits
    Special Tuition & Fees Apply
    This course may be repeated for credit.
    This course is graded pass/fail only.
  • CMMC 124  Introduction to Advertising

    College of Performing Arts School of Music

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    This course introduces students to a history of advertising in order to provide a context for current trends and themes; they will learn about the unique characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of the different tactics and vehicles that make up the current marketing mix. They will learn the different jobs within advertising agencies, what they do, what their responsibilities are, and how they work with others.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CMMC 205  Webcasting

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Webcasting is a production workshop that introduces students to the world of streaming media (audio and video transmitted over the Internet). The course balances the technical elements of Webcasting with the creative aspects of content production, distribution, and community. Students work in teams and individually to produce pre-recorded and original material for archives and live Webcasts.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CMMC 206  Webcasting II

    College of Art, Media & Design

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    WEBCASTING II is a production workshop that offers an advanced level of media production methods for different online distribution methods. Students will learn to develop all aspects of interactive streaming, from media production, to server configuration, to front-end programming and social networking. The course will focus more on the technology rather than the content. We will be experimenting with various new technologies such as FLASH Movies, JAVA based players, and Video LAN. We will also be incorporating alternative input devices for the streaming part of the class such as wireless video cameras, simple FLASH-based animation, and other methods that expand the type of streaming experience that can be created.

    Prerequisites CMMC*205

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CMMC 207  Digital Distribution

    College of Performing Arts School of Music

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Digital Distribution is a critical course focusing on the impact that digital media and distribution have had on our society and culture over the last ten years in particular. Digital technology has revolutionized the way we produce and consume media. The shift has been epitomized in the rise of self-published content created by individuals rather than traditional broadcasters and distributed to a mass audience. We are entering an era of common, niche-driven mass media, produced by anyone with a computer and an Internet connection. Students in this course will focus on the impact that digital distribution has had on traditional media and the way our culture is changing with this new perspective. We will also look at the way in which companies are adapting to this change in the media landscape. Which companies are approaching the challenges with fresh ideas, and which ones are struggling to adapt? We will look at case studies to help navigate the evolution of companies’ relationship with this disruptive technology.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CMMC 221  Advertising: Creative Concepts I

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Film

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Whether an advertisement appears in print, on television or radio, or on the Internet, it is built around an idea. Students learn to recognize and create strong advertising ideas that are relevant to the product and the audience, with an emphasis on print advertising. Students learn how to allow their creativity to be guided by strategy. Students are exposed to outstanding creative work and readings in their texts and from studying professional work. They then apply these principles as they create advertising of their own.

    Prerequisites LACR*102 or LACR*103

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CMMC 321  Advertising Strategy Development

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Film

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    The business side of creative advertising, this course examines the functions of the various departments within an advertising agency, focusing on strategic development, and introduces the three key steps in that development-market segmentation, brand positioning, and research. Students learn a variety of qualitative and quantitative research methods and analytical methods and apply what they have learned by developing and presenting an advertising strategy for an actual product.

    Prerequisites LACR*102 or LACR*103

    Priority enrollment to Communication majors and Strategic Advertising minors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CMMC 322  Advertising: Creative Concepts II

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Film

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Having learned how to create strong individual concepts, students create broader and deeper concepts that can form the basis for a number of ads and learn how to execute an idea in more than one medium. The course begins by examining award-winning print campaigns in order to recognize suitable ideas for multi-ad campaigns; to identify elements and themes and their grounding in research; and to understand the consumer. The course then examines how interactive media are being used to build customer relationships and brand identities, and explores the strategic functions of these new media. Students develop storyboards for a product or service that reinforces that product’s existing brand personality.

    Prerequisites CMMC*221

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CMMC 324  Introduction to Public Relations

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Film

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This course explores the fundamentals of public relations, viewed as a marketing communications tool, with special attention to its role in the non-profit sphere. The course reviews the functions of a wide range of marketing communications tools and explores how PR can be used in conjunction with them to achieve an organization’s objectives, helping students to come to understand the role of public relations in the overall marketing communications plan. Students learn how to coordinate messages in order to allow the company to speak with one voice and reinforce one overall corporate identity, with special attention to social marketing and the public. A series of projects culminates in students developing a public relations proposal for a non-profit organization.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CMMC 350  Gender Images in Media

    Division of Liberal Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Explores representation of gender and sexuality in the media over the past century and how images of male and female both follow and create social change. This class carries Liberal Arts Elective credit.

    Prerequisites LACR*102 or LACR*103

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course can fulfill a liberal arts elective or free elective requirement.

  • CMMC 351  History of Documentary

    College of Art, Media & Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Introduces the historical and aesthetic sweep of approaches to documentary film and video. Through extensive screenings and readings, this survey opens the range of choices and creative possibilities for documentary while understanding aesthetic conventions, technological limitations, and social history. In addition to attending screenings and discussion, students write two short papers and one longer term paper.

    Priority enrollment to Communication majors, Documentary Video minors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CMMC 353  Media Industries

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Film

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This course investigates the range of organizations and economic forces involved in media production. Includes diverse production models, from mainstream and corporate, to public sector, to alternative, and comparisons with media industries in other cultural settings. The course focuses on business and policy issues and considers examples of media practice from broadcast and cable news, advertising, Hollywood and independent cinema, public media, and new media industries. The course includes a final research project.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course can fulfill an art history elective, liberal arts elective, or free elective requirement.

  • CMMC 499  Communication Internship


    3 credits 45.0 hours
    Professional internship with a media organization or producer. Student needs to gain approval for internships from an advisor, meet periodically for supervisory discussions, and complete a short, reflective essay at the end of the internship.

    Open to Communication majors only.
    Special Tuition & Fees Apply
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
    This course is graded pass/fail only.
  • CRCM 211  Throwing Exploration

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Beginning studio work using the throwing process and related glazing and firing techniques. Problems are given with an emphasis on developing each student’s potential for personal expression and artistic invention.

    This course may be completed 3 times for credit.
  • CRCM 212  Throwing Exploration

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Beginning studio work using the throwing process and related glazing and firing techniques. Problems are given with an emphasis on developing each student’s potential for personal expression and artistic invention.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRCM 213  Handbuilding Exploration

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Beginning studio work with clay using the handbuilding processes of slab, coil pinch, and pressing form molds, plus related glazing and firing techniques. Problems given emphasize developing each student’s potential for personal expression and artistic invention.

    This course may be completed 3 times for credit.
  • CRCM 214  Handbuilding Exploration

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Beginning studio work with clay using the handbuilding processes of slab, coil pinch, and pressing form molds, plus related glazing and firing techniques. Problems given emphasize developing each student’s potential for personal expression and artistic invention.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRCM 220  Ceramics

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Through lecture and demonstration, students learn basic skills such as handbuilding, throwing, and press molding with an introduction to loading and firing kilns. Mixing clay, slips, and glazes is also being covered. Graduate students may register for this course under GRCR 660.

    This course may be completed 3 times for credit.
  • CRCM 221  Introduction to Molding & Casting

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    A course in model making, moldmaking, and casting techniques, using plaster and synthetic compounds. Emphasis is on developing proficiency in slip casting for use in the artist’s studio and in industry for serial production.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRCM 222  Plaster Workshop

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An introductory course in model making, moldmaking, and casting techniques, using plaster and synthetic compounds. This course emphasizes the usefulness of these media to designers and artists.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRCM 223  Ceramic Technology

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    A lecture and laboratory course designed to investigate basic clay and glaze materials. Students gain an intuitive understanding of ceramic materials, their practical and aesthetic properties, and develop a series of personal glazes. The nature of clays and the relationship among clay bodies, slips, sigillatas, and glazes is also explored.

    This course may be completed 4 times for credit.
  • CRCM 224  Large Scale Handbuilding

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    The fundamentals of large-scale handbuilding in clay in two specific areas: a) building a three-dimensional form, using proper clay bodies, building interior support systems, building and drying methods for large work, and moving, loading, and firing techniques; b) covering large areas with smaller parts and exploring fitting and interlocking systems of wall relief or free-standing form. Problems are given with an emphasis on developing potential for personal expression and artistic invention.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRCM 299  Selected Topics in Ceramics

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 - 3 credits undefined hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    This course allows for the presentation of one-time, unique studio experiences involving either specialized themes, media, classroom structures, or teaching and learning formats, for the development of projects relevant to contemporary ceramic issues.

    This course may be completed 4 times for credit.
  • CRCM 311  Advanced Throwing

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Concentration on resolving conceptual and formal issues as they relate to individual exploration on the wheel. Problems encourage uniqueness and challenge abilities. Typical issues include usage and symbolic function, serial production, the table, and site-oriented applications, and medium- to large-scale use of materials. All problems stress practical as well as aesthetic resourcefulness with clay on the wheel. Senior Craft majors taking this course may choose to spend all or part of their time producing thesis work to supplement the thesis component of Crafts Projects III.

    Prerequisites CRCM*212 and CRCM*211

    Priority enrollment to Crafts majors.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRCM 312  Advanced Throwing

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Concentration on resolving conceptual and formal issues as they relate to individual exploration on the wheel. Problems encourage uniqueness and challenge abilities. Typical issues include usage and symbolic function, serial production, the table, and site-oriented applications, and medium- to large-scale use of materials. All problems stress practical as well as aesthetic resourcefulness with clay on the wheel. Senior Craft majors taking this course may choose to spend all or part of their time producing thesis work to supplement the thesis component of Crafts Projects III.

    Prerequisites CRCM*212 and CRCM*211

    Priority enrollment to Crafts majors.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRCM 313  Advanced Ceramics

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Concentration on resolving conceptual and formal issues as they relate to individual exploration. Problems encourage uniqueness and challenge abilities. Typical issues include usage and symbolic function, production, and site-oriented applications, and medium- to large-scale use of materials. All problems stress practical as well as aesthetic resourcefulness. Senior Crafts majors taking this course may choose to spend all or part of their time producing thesis work to supplement the thesis component of Crafts Projects III.

    Prerequisites Take 6 credits from: CRCM*211, CRCM*212, CRCM*213, or CRCM*214

    Priority enrollment to Crafts majors.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRCM 314  Ceramics Studio

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Concentration on resolving conceptual and formal issues as they relate to individual exploration. Problems encourage uniqueness and challenge abilities. Typical issues include usage and symbolic function, production, and site-oriented applications, and medium- to large-scale use of materials. All problems stress practical as well as aesthetic resourcefulness. Senior Crafts majors taking this course may choose to spend all or part of their time producing thesis work to supplement the thesis component of Crafts Projects III.

    Prerequisites Take 6 credits from: CRCM*211, CRCM*212, CRCM*213, or CRCM*214

    Priority enrollment to Crafts majors.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRCM 411  Ceramics Studio

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Concentration on resolving conceptual and formal issues as they relate to individual exploration. Problems encourage uniqueness and challenge abilities. Typical issues include usage and symbolic function, production, and site-oriented applications, and medium to large-scale use of materials. All problems stress practical as well as aesthetic resourcefulness.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRCM 412  Ceramics Studio

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Concentration on resolving conceptual and formal issues as they relate to individual exploration. Problems encourage uniqueness and challenge abilities. Typical issues include usage and symbolic function, production, and site-oriented applications, and medium to large-scale use of materials. All problems stress practical as well as aesthetic resourcefulness.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRFB 211  Fibers Mixed Media Exploration

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An introduction to both traditional and experimental uses of materials and structural processes in the fabric media. Assignments focus on the exploration of two- and three-dimensional forms in preparation for versatile approaches to the fibers media. A range of off-loom mixed media techniques are covered.

    This course may be completed 3 times for credit.
  • CRFB 212  Color and the Loom Exploration

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Students explore the potential of two- and three-dimensional forms in preparation for versatile approaches to the fibers media. Loom, woven structures, tapestry, and woven color are covered.

    This course may be completed 3 times for credit.
  • CRFB 221  Fabric Resist & Embellishment

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Extends students’ basic color and drawing vocabulary through exposure to ancient techniques and tools of Indonesia, Japan, and Africa. Fabric dyeing and resist methods are addressed, including drawing and stamping with waxes, stitching and binding with threads, etc. Students acquire a broader sense of “mark-making,” an understanding of the special color properties of dyes, and an ability to use non-Western traditional craft methods to create contemporary art fabric.

    This course may be completed 3 times for credit.
    This course is equated with the following courses: CRFB*221, CR*277, CR*277
  • CRFB 222  Constructed Surface Exploration

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Through a series of developmental assignments, students are provided with a solid technical and conceptual base in the fabric media. Non-loom constructions, color, and multifiber dye techniques are covered.

    This course may be completed 3 times for credit.
    This course is equated with the following courses: CRFB*222, CR*222, CR*222, CRFB*222
  • CRFB 223  Fabric Printing

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Focuses on the fundamental principles of translating drawings and photographs into designs and images for screen-printed fabric, using a fine art approach. Exploration of myriad possibilities in creating fabric using silkscreen and fabric pigments.

    This course may be completed 3 times for credit.
  • CRFB 227  Experimental Costume and Performance

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    The garment provides a tangible yet pliable boundary between the space of self and the space of the world. In this introductory fibers studio, students learn costume construction fundamentals (hand and machine sewing, millinery, flat pattern design, etc.) and explore the garment as a vehicle for personal expression. Students are encouraged to experiment with technique, and a variety of both traditional and unconventional materials are used. Concurrent with studio work, students are introduced to the cultural, political, social, historic, and aesthetic dimensions of costume as it relates to contemporary art. The semester concludes with a collaborative performance.

    This course may be completed 3 times for credit.
  • CRFB 299  Selected Topics in Fibers

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 - 3 credits undefined hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    This course allows for the presentation of one-time, unique studio experiences involving either specialized themes, media, classroom structures, or teaching and learning formats, for the development of projects relevant to contemporary Fibers issues.

    This course may be completed 4 times for credit.
  • CRFB 311  Fibers and Textile Studies Studio

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Through a series of developmental assignments with a conceptual emphasis and by using acquired knowledge from previous semesters, students are encouraged to explore forms that reveal the inherent physical qualities and potential image-making possibilities of fabric. Loom-woven and mixed-media fabric techniques are used as appropriate, depending on the student’s interest in the development of a diverse range of two-dimensional constructions, sculptural forms, costume, etc.

    Prerequisites Take 6 credits from: CRFB*211, CRFB*212, or CRFB*222

    Priority enrollment to Crafts majors.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRFB 312  Fibers and Textile Studies Studio

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Through a series of developmental assignments with a conceptual emphasis and by using acquired knowledge from previous semesters, students are encouraged to explore forms that reveal the inherent physical qualities and potential image-making possibilities of fabric. Loom-woven and mixed-media fabric techniques are used as appropriate, depending on the student’s interest in the development of a diverse range of two-dimensional constructions, sculptural forms, costume, etc.

    Prerequisites Take 6 credits from: CRFB*211, CRFB*212, or CRFB*222

    Priority enrollment to Crafts majors.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRFB 322  Advanced Textile Design

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This course uses the computer in the study of woven textile design. An introduction to fabric structures from simple, plain and rib weaves, through twills, satins, waffle weaves, double-cloth, composite structures, and color effects. Students learn the language of cloth through the incremental development of structures, first making notation of those structures by hand on point paper, and then using various computer software programs to develop a wide range of fabric structures. At least one structure is realized through weaving on a 32-harness handweaving computer loom.

    Prerequisites Take 6 credits from: CRFB*211, CRFB*212, or CRFB*222

    Priority enrollment to Crafts majors.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRFB 411  Fibers and Textile Studies Studio

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Through a series of developmental assignments with a conceptual emphasis and by using acquired knowledge from previous semesters, students are encouraged to explore forms that reveal the inherent physical qualities and potential image-making possibilities of fabric. Loom-woven and mixed-media fabric techniques are used as appropriate, depending on the student’s interest in the development of a diverse range of two-dimensional constructions, sculptural forms, costume, etc.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRFB 412  Fibers and Textile Studies Studio

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Through a series of developmental assignments with a conceptual emphasis and by using acquired knowledge from previous semesters, students are encouraged to explore forms that reveal the inherent physical qualities and potential image-making possibilities of fabric. Loom-woven and mixed-media fabric techniques are used as appropriate, depending on the student’s interest in the development of a diverse range of two-dimensional constructions, sculptural forms, costume, etc.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRFT 111  Introduction to Ceramics

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Through lecture and demonstrations, students learn basic skills such as handbuilding, throwing, and press molding with an introduction to loading and firing kilns and mixing clay and glazes. Problems are given with an emphasis on developing each student’s potential for personal expression and artistic invention. Freshmen are encouraged to participate in the departmental guest lecture series and field trips.

    Requires completion of 15 credits
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 121  Introduction to Fibers & Textiles

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Provides students with a hands-on studio experience grounded in fabric processes and materials as a means of personal expression. The student receives an introduction to stamp printing and direct painting on fabric, collage, three-dimensional off-loom structures, as well as tapestry weaving on frame loom. Guidance is offered in the form of demonstrations, slide presentations, field trips, informal discussion, and intensive group critiques.

    Requires completion of 15 credits
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 131  Introduction to Glass

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Explores glass as an expressive and creative medium. Students work with flat glass in stained glass techniques.

    Requires completion of 15 credits
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 141  Introduction to Jewelry and Metals

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    An introduction to metalwork through several jewelry projects. Students learn basic fabrication techniques through simple hollow construction; movement is approached through aspects of linkage and chain making; forming and fabrication is covered as well.

    Requires completion of 15 credits
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 161  Introduction to Furniture and Wood

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    The introduction of wood as a material, basic joinery theory, and the ability to manipulate safely with both hand and power tools. Lecture on and demonstration of the properties of wood and the proper use of the band saw and shaping tools, including rasps, chisels, small hand planes, and gouges.

    Requires completion of 15 credits
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 201  Projects I

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Students make art that deals with crafts issues and concepts. Individual project consultations are supplemented by lectures, visiting artists, and group critiques. As this course is content based, students use any/all crafts studios during in-class work time and open studio hours. (Students have access to crafts studios where they have completed or are currently taking a media-specific course.)

    Prerequisites FNDP*131

    Priority enrollment to Crafts majors.
    Enrollment in Studio Required
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 202  Projects I

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Students make art that deals with crafts issues and concepts. Individual project consultations are supplemented by lectures, visiting artists, and group critiques. As this course is content based, students use any/all crafts studios during in-class work time and open studio hours. (Students have access to crafts studios where they have completed or are currently taking a media-specific course.)

    Prerequisites CRFT*201

    Priority enrollment to Crafts majors.
    Enrollment in Studio Required
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 203  Computers for Object Makers

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    This course covers computer processes useful as compliments to traditional craft ways of making. 3D Scanning gives the artist/designer a digital replica that can then be changed in scale or manipulated in other ways. 3D Computer Modeling programs create files that can then be turned into physical objects using 3D printing. Also covered will be laser cutting for stack-lamination (building forms by gluing up layers of plywood or other sheet materials) and ‘unfolding’ software (creating patterns for fabric and other sheet materials that can then be sewn or seamed into 3D form). Previous 3D computer modeling experience is not required.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 211  Craft Exploration

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 224  Art for the Body

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    This introductory mixed-media course focuses on the body as the site-specific locus for a variety of art forms. Looking at a range of cultural and historical examples, students gain an appreciation for the personal and social influences that underlie our conception of the human body and how we construct for it. Studio work in an array of media, with specific emphasis on the use of metal, paper, fabric, and leather. Technical information includes flat pattern making, piecing and sewing; forming and fabrication; mixed-media construction; and systems of attachment, linkage, and closure. Emphasis on the student’s ability to generate unique solutions to the physical challenges imposed by the human body on the content of attire.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRFT 281  3D Computer Modeling

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An introduction to the use of 3-D modeling software for visualization, design, production, and presentation of Craft objects. Through tutorial exercises and individual projects, students become fluent in the use of this important tool. One piece of software (such as formZ, Rhino, etc.) that is both CAD accurate and affordable to individual artists is covered. As students gain proficiency, they apply the techniques to problems addressed in their major studio classes. Students taking the course for a second time explore the capabilities of the software in more depth and focus on intelligent sequencing of operations and using the tools in context.

    Computer Literacy Required
    This course may be completed 4 times for credit.
  • CRFT 299  Selected Topics in Crafts

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 - 3 credits undefined hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    This course allows for the presentation of one-time, unique studio experiences involving either specialized themes, media, classroom structures, or teaching and learning formats, for the development of projects relevant to contemporary Crafts issues.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • CRFT 301  Projects II

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Art-making dealing with crafts issues and concepts. A continuation of Projects I, work done in this class becomes increasingly student determined as the dialogue becomes more subjective. As this course is content-based, students use any/all crafts studios during in-class work time and open studio hours. (Students have access to crafts studios where they have completed or are currently taking a media-specific course.)

    Prerequisites CRFT*202

    Open to Crafts majors only.
    Enrollment in Studio Required
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 302  Projects II

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Art-making dealing with crafts issues and concepts. A continuation of Projects I, work done in this class becomes increasingly student determined as the dialogue becomes more subjective. As this course is content-based, students use any/all crafts studios during in-class work time and open studio hours. (Students have access to crafts studios where they have completed or are currently taking a media-specific course.)

    Prerequisites CRFT*301

    Open to Crafts majors only.
    Enrollment in Studio Required
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 310  Junior Studio I

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This is the first course in a four course sequence called the Commons. Students engage with issues and concepts relevant to artists who consider materiality and phenomenology as central to their art. This semester focuses on workmanship, as students consider aspects of handwork and tool use, intuitive making, design and planning, and elemental, tacit and haptic knowledge. Assignments combine studio practice with research and writing, readings, trips to galleries, studios and museums, lectures by visiting artists and critiques. While class time is primarily content-oriented and critique-based, students are expected to work in studio during and outside of class time. Junior Studio I is offered during the fall semester. In order to register for Junior Studio I, a student must have successfully completed their sophomore year of study at the University, or have permission from the Program Coordinator.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 311  Junior Studio II

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Students continue their study of materiality and phenomenology while considering function and utility, audience and culture, aesthetics and formal issues. They become increasingly articulate about their work, how it is seen and how it is constructed. Students strictly adhere to a timeline and continue to develop a personal voice within the constraints of a particular assignment. Assignments augment each student’s regular studio practice with research and writing, readings, trips to galleries, studios and museums, visiting artists, lectures and critiques. Ideas about future possibilities include internships, graduate study, travel, artist’s grants and residencies. While class time is primarily content-oriented and critique-based, students are expected to work in studios both in and out of class time, applying those skills and concepts gained in media specific coursework to assignments in the Commons. Junior Studio II is a continuation of Junior Studio I; students must have earned a grade of C or better in Junior Studio I to continue to Junior Studio II.

    Prerequisites CRFT*310

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 401  Craft Senior Projects

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Student begins to produce a body of work for the Crafts Senior capstone exhibition. Part of this course is Senior Seminar, a forum for the discussion of ideas and issues through student participation, guest lecturers, and professional offerings. The modern craft aesthetic is examined in terms of late nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first century ideas and issues. Emphasis on the interdependency of all the arts with an eye to the unique contribution of crafts ideology and practice. Topical discussions encourage students to find contemporary relevancy and validity in an analysis of historical precedents. The professional practices component covers: making an artist’s presentation, resume and portfolio preparation, writing an artist’s statement, recordkeeping and taxes, grant writing, self-promotion and career/entrepreneurial opportunities. Particular attention is paid to the style and survival techniques of contemporaries working in craft media.

    Open to Crafts majors only.
    Enrollment in Studio Required
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 402  Craft Senior Projects

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Student completes a body of work for the Crafts Senior capstone exhibition. Topical discussions and activities continue. The professional practices component includes mounting and promoting an exhibition, final portfolio preparation.

    Prerequisites CRFT*401

    Open to Crafts majors only.
    Enrollment in Studio Required
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 410  Senior Projects I

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This is the third course in the Craft and Material Studies Commons. Students continue to refine their understanding of their studio engagement as material artists, while the focus shifts to each students’ pursuit of a rigorous studio practice. Faculty act as critics and guides, helping students understand their aesthetic impulses while honing personal approaches to materials and process. Students research the work of other artists, write a grant proposal and develop an artist’s statement that articulates their artistic intent. They personally engage with and respond to a diversity of ideas, including cross-disciplinary and collaborative work. They must grapple with what they make and understand why they are engaged in the material arts. Like Junior Studio 1 and 2, Senior Projects is a studio-based, content-oriented course. Students are expected to work in studio during class and open studio hours. Students have access to studios where they have completed or are currently taking a discipline-specific course. This course is only open to students who have earned a grade of C or better in Junior Studio 2.

    Prerequisites CRFT*311

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 411  Senior Projects II

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This is the culminating course in the Commons for Craft and Material Studies and is dominated by the development of the Senior Project - a coherent body of work that is accompanied by descriptive and interpretive writing. Class time provides a forum for the discussion of ideas and issues in which students play an active role and is augmented with guest lecturers and visiting artists. Students come together to prepare cooperatively for a public exhibition. Studio practice includes search, research, the continuing pursuit of professional goals and post-graduate plans, and engagement with alumni, gallerists, internships and the broader public. Emphasis is on the interdependency of all the arts and the contribution that a material sensibility makes to contemporary artistic ideology and practice. In completing a cohesive body of work for the Senior Exhibition, students must manage their time with self-discipline and an appropriate rigor. Students work responsibly toward a publicly engaged future.

    Prerequisites CRFT*410

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • CRFT 490  Independent Study

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    1.5 - 6 credits undefined hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Independent Study offers a matriculated student the opportunity to initiate individual research or advanced projects that are beyond the limits of the standard curriculum. Enrollment is limited, please see the Independent Study policy in the catalogue for more information.

    Restricted to Undergraduate students.
    This course may be repeated for credit.
    This course may not be audited.
    This course cannot be taken pass/fail.
  • CRGL 211  Glass Blowing Exploration

    College of Art, Media & Design School of Art

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Through demonstrations, assignments, and tutoring by the instructor, students are guided toward mastery in off-hand blowing. Blowing of well-balanced functional and non-functional forms is emphasized. Topics covered include the use of color in glass, two- and three-dimensional surface treatment, the relationship between volume and skin of forms, blowing into molds, and working in a variety of scales. The aesthetics of contemporary and historical glass are investigated as they relate to the student’s work.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.

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