Sep 22, 2024  
2012-2013 University Catalog 
2012-2013 University Catalog [Archived Catalogue]


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The course catalogue contains information on all active courses offered by the University including: title, course number, credits, contact hours, prerequisites, offering college, priority enrollment, repeatability, and restrictions.  Courses listed in the catalogue are not offered every semester.  To access a listing of course sections being offered during a particular term refer to the Course Section Offerings page on the Office of the Registrar website. 

Course Renumbering

Commencing with the 2013-14 academic year the University began a multi-year course renumbering.  For additional information visit the Course Renumbering page on the Office of the Registrar website.

Renumbered Course List 

  • Division of Liberal Arts
    Many courses within the Division of Liberal Arts commencing with the Summer and Fall 2014 terms will be offered under new course numbers. Students registering for Summer 2014 coursework and beyond will do so using the new course numbers.

Course Search

  • THMD 361  Movement for Actors V

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Develops clarity and precision of movement through increased awareness of action and character. The student develops greater kinesthetic sense and enhances his/her capability for expressive movement. First term focuses on Laban efforts and the second term on Viewpoints.

    Prerequisites THST*202

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 362  Movement for Actors VI

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Develops clarity and precision of movement through increased awareness of action and character. The student develops greater kinesthetic sense and enhances his/her capability for expressive movement. This term focuses on viewpoints.

    Prerequisites THST 202

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 371  Stage Combat V

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Advanced exploration of the text-specific challenges of fight direction and fight performance using a wide variety of weapons. Weapons and texts change each semester.

    Prerequisites THMD*272 National Stage Combat Proficiency Test Recognition.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 372  Stage Combat VI

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Advanced exploration of the text-specific challenges of fight direction and fight performance using a wide variety of weapons. Weapons and texts change each semester.

    Prerequisites THMD*371

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 451  Musical Theater Dance Auditioning

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    0.5 credits 22.5 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    A capstone course in musical theater dance focusing on auditioning skills for professional employment after graduation.

    Prerequisites THMD*222

    Priority enrollment to Musical Theater majors.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • THMD 461  Movement for Actors VII

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Continuation of THMD 362. Work in LeCoq movement. Spring term develops a senior movement project.

    Prerequisites THMD 362, THST 302, and THVC 312

    Open to Acting majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 462  Senior Movement Project

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    See THMD 461.

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only Requires completion of 75 credits
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 471  Stage Combat VII

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Advanced exploration of the text-specific challenges of fight direction and fight performance using a wide variety of weapons. Weapons and texts change each semester.

    Prerequisites THMD*372

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 472  Stage Combat VIII

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Advanced exploration of the text-specific challenges of fight direction and fight performance using a wide variety of weapons. Weapons and texts change each semester.

    Prerequisites THMD*471

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 120  Crew

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    0 credits undefined hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Production assignments for School of Theater productions. Continues the classroom instruction in theater tech skills, providing an increased understanding of Technical Production.

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course may be repeated for credit.
    This course is graded pass/fail only.
  • THPD 123  Scene and Lighting Technology

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 30.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Introductory course in various phases of physical production dealing with the stage, house, backstage personnel and their duties, construction and painting of scenery, stage lighting, costumes, props, and makeup.

    Corequisite Course(s): THPD*125

    Priority enrollment to majors in the School of Theater Arts.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 124  Costume & Property Technology

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 30.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Introductory course in various phases of physical production dealing with the stage, house, backstage personnel and their duties, construction and painting of scenery, stage lighting, costumes, props, and makeup.

    Corequisite Course(s): THPD*126

    Priority enrollment to majors in the School of Theater Arts.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 125  Scene & Lighting Tech Lab

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Supports Scene and Lighting Technology.

    Corequisite Course(s): THPD*123

    Open to Applied Theater Arts and Theater Design and Technology majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 126  Costume & Property Tech Lab

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Laboratory experience for students in SOTA’s Applied Theater Arts and Design-Tech program. Students receive foundation training in scenery construction and rigging, lighting and electrical production, costume and property construction, and provide production support serving as primary assistants to professional designers working on SOTA shows. Weekly hours may vary depending upon assignment.

    Open to Applied Theater Arts and Theater Design and Technology majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 127  Makeup

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Focuses on cosmetic application combined with thorough exploration of the relationship of appearance to character. The course emphasizes the total visual impact of the character on the audience, discussing in-depth the contribution of props and costume to the overall effect. The student is given clear directions on the basic techniques including methods and materials for all types of stage makeup, period makeup, fantasy and the use of three-dimensional makeup and prosthetic make-up.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 220  Production Crew

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    0.5 credits undefined hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Advanced technical production assignments for School of Theater Arts productions. This course continues the study of theatrical production begun in theater tech classes and labs. This course is meant for students with non-performance majors in the School of Theater Arts.

    Open to Theater Design Tech and Theater Manag Prod majors only.
    This course may be completed 3 times for credit.
  • THPD 261  Fundamentals of Stage Management I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An examination of the role of the stage manager in theatrical production. Practice in the techniques of pre-production activity, coordinating and maintaining rehearsal discipline, developing a prompt script and calling a show.

    Prerequisites THPD 123 or THPD 124

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 262  Theater Management

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An introduction for the Applied Theater Arts student to the important role that theater managers and their administrative staffs play in the day-to-day operations of theater companies. A close-up look at all the facets of running a successful theater: fundraising and audience development, marketing and public relations, fiscal organization and board relations, box office and house management, and educational outreach.

    Prerequisites THPD*261

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only Priority enrollment to Theater Management and Production majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 264  Technical Direction

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Discussions and projects investigating the role of the technical director in theatrical production, including production scheduling, coordinating, planning, budgeting, familiarity with materials, equipment and purchasing procedures. Repeatable for elective credit, with advanced projects for repeating students.

    Prerequisites THST*132

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only Priority enrollment for Theater Design and Technology majors.
    This course may be completed 4 times for credit.
    This course is equated with the following courses: THPD*264, THPD*264
  • THPD 320  Production Practicum

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit undefined hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Practical application of training to experiences in a wide range of production areas: dramaturgy, design, technology, theater management, etc. May include realized studio, workshop or project assignments.

    Prerequisites THPD 220

    Open to Applied Theater Arts and Theater Design and Technology majors only.
    This course may be repeated for credit.
  • THPD 361  Advanced Stage Management

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Advanced study of the stage manager’s function in theatrical production. Coordination of production personnel and the management responsibilities in the pre-rehearsal, rehearsal, and production periods.

    Prerequisites THPD*261

    Priority enrollment to Theater Management and Production majors. Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 460  Management and Production Seminar

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Analysis and study of contemporary practices and trends in non-performance disciplines of theatrical production. Students engage in readings, discussions and writing projects dealing with their experiences to-date in their chosen field of theatrical endeavor. The course may require field trips and/or attendance at special events to place current trends in larger social and practical contexts, and to help the student develop strength and perspective within his or her own work.

    Prerequisites THEA*499

    Open to Theater Management and Production majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 461  Senior Project

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Faculty-approved and supervised capstone experience in a student’s area of concentration. May be a School of Theater Arts-sponsored project or one with a reputable outside company recognized by the faculty and area professionals.

    Prerequisites Take 2 semesters of THPD*320

    Open to Applied Theater Arts and Theater Design and Technology majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 462  Senior Project

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Faculty-approved and supervised capstone experience in a student’s area of concentration. May be a School of Theater Arts-sponsored project or one with a reputable outside company recognized by the faculty and area professionals.

    Prerequisites THPD*461

    Open to Applied Theater Arts and Theater Design and Technology majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 101  Acting Studio I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    An introductory studio focusing on the fundamentals of acting including basic skills for stage communication, voice, and movement; involves centering and exercises designed to increase physical and emotional stamina, identify and strengthen technique, develop focus and concentration, and introduce the student to the demands of the theater. In the process of demystifying the craft, the student discovers the energy, power, and vulnerability of self.

    Open to Acting, Applied Theater Arts and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 102  Acting Studio II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    An introductory studio focusing on the fundamentals of acting including basic skills for stage communication, voice, and movement; involves centering and exercises designed to increase physical and emotional stamina, identify and strengthen technique, develop focus and concentration, and introduce the student to the demands of the theater. In the process of demystifying the craft, the student discovers the energy, power, and vulnerability of self.

    Prerequisites THST 101

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 109  Music Skills Fundamentals for Musical Theater

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 67.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Skill training in sight reading, ear training, keyboard, and music theory, oriented to the needs of the musical theater performer. Students will be placed in this class if they have little or no prior experience with music skills. First semester focuses on rudiments of notation, pitches, intervals, rhythms, and simple chords. Examples are drawn from the musical theater repertoire. In-class exercises and drills are supplemented with computer-based instruction and keyboard lab. Successful completion of this course wil enable students to enroll in THST 112 Music Skills for Musical Theater II.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 110  Music Skills Lab

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    0 credits 15.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Supports Music Skills I and II.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • THST 111  Music Skills for Musical Theater I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Skill training in sight reading, ear training, keyboard, and music theory, oriented to the needs of the musical theater performer. First year focuses on rudiments of notation, pitches, intervals, rhythms, and simple chords. Students learn to read from “lead sheet” notation. Examples are drawn from the musical theater repertoire. In-class exercises and drills are supplemented with computer-based instruction and keyboard lab.

    Corequisite Course(s): THST*110

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 112  Music Skills for Musical Theater II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Skill training in sight reading, ear training, keyboard, and music theory, oriented to the needs of the musical theater performer. First year focuses on rudiments of notation, pitches, intervals, rhythms, and simple chords. Students learn to read from “lead sheet” notation. Examples are drawn from the musical theater repertoire. In-class exercises and drills are supplemented with computer-based instruction and keyboard lab.

    Prerequisites THST*109 or THST*111

    Corequisite Course(s): THST*110

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 120  Acting Theory and Technique

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits undefined hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    This course introduces the actor and future director to both the theory and practical application of acting preparation. The semester progresses from a basic understanding of the Meisner approach to active listening and connection utilizing repetition exercises; a working a actor-based script analysis identifying objectives and actions; and applying those lessons to scene work for evaluation. Grading is based on participation and progress.

    Prerequisites THEA*161

    Open to Theater Management and Production majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 131  Intro to Design

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    The fundamentals of design for the theater including costume, lighting, and scenery. Review of the designer’s role in the production process, design requirements, and aesthetics. Emphasis on the basic principles of two-dimensional art and graphic forms through various media and study of color and color theory.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course is equated with the following courses: THST*131, THST*131
  • THST 132  Set Design

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An exploration of and instruction in techniques for theatrical scenic design. This class includes lectures, individual guidance, discussions and projects investigating the aesthetic, technical, and practical problems of designing scenery for the stage. Repeatable for elective credit, with advanced projects for repeating students.

    This course may be completed 4 times for credit.
  • THST 181  Acting for Non-Majors I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 60.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    This course introduces the non-actor to improvisation, character development, and the basic idea of action and objective in performance. The first four weeks acclimate the new actor to being expressive in a group using body and voice through improvisation, theater games, and movement; breathing and relaxation techniques are also taught. The student is introduced to script analysis and asked to write and develop monologues to create dramatic characters for performance. Grading is based on class participation and progress with the work on monologues.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 182  Acting for Non-Majors II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 60.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    This course introduces the non-actor to improvisation, character development, and the basic idea of action and objective in performance. The first four weeks acclimate the new actor to being expressive in a group using body and voice through improvisation, theater games, and movement; breathing and relaxation techniques are also taught. The student is introduced to script analysis and asked to write and develop monologues to create dramatic characters for performance. Grading is based on class participation and progress with the work on monologues.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 201  Acting Studio: Technique I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Study in contact and truthful response, conversational reality, concentration, spontaneity, getting in touch with one’s own behavior and the behaviors of others.

    Prerequisites THST*102

    Corequisite Course(s): THVC*211

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 202  Acting Studio: Technique II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Refinement of the actor’s inner resources and further development of the actor’s technique and skills at textual analysis. Exploration of relationship, point of view, circumstance, truthful involvement, and the reality of doing.

    Prerequisites THST*201 and THVC*211

    Corequisite Course(s): THVC*212

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 210  Advanced Music Skills Lab

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    0 credits 15.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Supports Music Skills III and IV.

    Prerequisites THST*110

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • THST 211  Music Skills for Musical Theater III

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Continued skill training in sight reading, ear training, keyboard and music theory, oriented to the needs of the musical theater performer. Examples are drawn from a wide range of musical repertoire. In-class exercises and drills are supplemented with computer-based instruction.

    Prerequisites THST*112

    Corequisite Course(s): THST*210

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 212  Music Skills for Musical Theater IV

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Continued skill training in sight reading, ear training, keyboard and music theory, oriented to the needs of the musical theater performer. Examples are drawn from a wide range of musical repertoire. In-class exercises and drills are supplemented with computer-based instruction.

    Prerequisites THST*211

    Corequisite Course(s): THST*210

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 222  Foundations of Singing/Acting

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Students are introduced to techniques for handling the unique challenges of integrated singing-acting. Vocal technique and acting technique are integrated through intensive work on solo literature, musical scenes, exercises, and improvisations.

    Prerequisites THST*112 ,THVC*122, and THST*201

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 231  Lighting Design

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Procedures for lighting, with emphasis on the functions of theatrical stage lighting. Discussions and projects investigating the problems of lighting design, including electrical principles, instrumentation, color, media, equipment control, planning, and rigging. This course and its projects are studio-based in approach. Repeatable for elective credit, with advanced projects for repeating students.

    This course may be completed 4 times for credit.
    This course is equated with the following courses: TH*339, TH*431, THST*231, THST*231
  • THST 232  Costume Design

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Investigation of materials and principles, tools, supplies and techniques of costume design and construction, with emphasis on projects and discussions involving aesthetic, technical, and practical elements. Repeatable for elective credit, with advanced projects for repeating students.

    This course may be completed 4 times for credit.
  • THST 250  Director/Design Collaboration

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An exploration of the designer - director relationship in theater work. The course develops skills in collaboration and communication and provides models for effective director - designer production practices. Collaboration skills will be enhanced through practical work on a series of individual and group projects.

    Prerequisites THPD 261

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 265  Directing Studio

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Introduces the basics of acting coaching coordinated with script analysis and dramatic criticism. Semester culminates with student staging and coaching a medium-length scene from a modern play.

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 266  Directing Studio

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An introductory course that explores the process of stage directing from inspiration to opening night. An introduction to the basic fundamentals of directing, including a thorough investigation of the directing vocabulary, exercises in space and composition, exploration of scripts from the director’s point of view, and practical experience with ground plans. Finally students are asked to demonstrate their understanding of blocking values and textual analysis by conceptualizing and then mounting simple scenes.

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 280  Fundamentals of Acting I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 60.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Designed specifically for voice and dance majors from the Schools of Music and Dance, this introductory course places an emphasis on each student discovering their core through the study of improvisation, monologue work, emotional discovery, speech and movement. The course is open only to students admitted to the Musical Theater minor and serves as a foundation for training in acting that complements studies in musical theater technique.

    Open to Theater Management and Production majors and Musical Theater minors in the School of Dance or Music only.
    This course may be repeated for credit.
  • THST 281  Acting for Non-Majors III

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Prerequisites THST*182

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 282  Acting for Non-Majors IV

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Prerequisites THST*182

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 301  Acting Studio: Technique III

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Studies in advanced acting. Further development of performance technique as it relates to the rehearsal process. Special emphasis given to clarity of behavior, characterization, action, and objective. Scene work used as a means of gauging the actor’s ability to apply studio work to text.

    Prerequisites THST*202 and THVC*212

    Corequisite Course(s): THMD*361

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 302  Acting Studio: Poetic Realism

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Exploration of scene study methods as they apply to dramatic works by such playwrights as Williams, O’Neill, Isben, Strindberg, Wilde, Checkhov, Synge, O’Casey, and further development of actor’s attention to and application of behavioral specificity.

    Prerequisites THST*301

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 320  Musical Theater Performance

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 60.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    An elective course for actors, singers, and dancers in which students can explore the craft of the singing actor through exercises, improvisations, and repertoire study. Students learn and rehearse solos, scenes, and ensembles from the musical theater repertoire. Emphasis is on developing honesty, ease, and expressiveness in musical theater performance.

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course may be completed 3 times for credit.
  • THST 321  Musical Theater Repertory

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 52.5 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Scenes, songs, and dances are drawn from the diverse musical theater repertory, enabling the student to develop versatility and a sense of style.

    Prerequisites THST*212 and THST*222

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 322  Musical Theater Repertory

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 52.5 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Scenes, songs, and dances are drawn from the diverse musical theater repertory, enabling the student to develop versatility and a sense of style.

    Prerequisites THST*321

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 323  Musical Theater Styles: Solos and Scenes

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 60.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    A two-semester sequence designed to introduce students representative musical theatre genres and styles and prepare them to perform successfully in them. Fall semester genres include: Comic opera and operetta; vaudeville and early musical comedy; ‘Standards’ of the 20’s and 30’s; Rodgers and Hammerstein ‘Musical Play.’ Incorporates components of THST 321: Musical Theater Repertory and THVC 321: MT Performances: Styles I

    Prerequisites THVC*222

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 324  Musical Theater Styles: Solos and Scenes II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 60.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    A two-semester sequence designed to introduce students representative musical theatre genres and styles and prepare them to perform successfully in them. Second semester of course includes: Brechtian musical theater; Broadway opera and the Euromusical; rock musicals; and contemporary experimental music theater. Incorporates components of THST 322: Musical Theater Repertory II and THVC 322: MT Performances-Styles II.

    Prerequisites THVC*222

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 330  Design Technology Seminar

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This seminar-style class is designed as a forum for considering challenges and concepts facing advanced design and technology students. Course deals with advanced design concepts and applications in the various theatrical fora, including dance, opera, ballet, and musical theater. Solutions are sought through the collaborative process with costume, lighting, scene design, and theater tech students arriving at conceptual treatments and visualizations.

    Prerequisites THPD*264

    Open to Theater Design Technology majors only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • THST 331  Sound Design

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Fundamental procedures for sound creation and reproduction, with emphasis on the function and practice of theatrical sound design. Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and projects investigating the problems of sound design for the stage, including sound production, modification, amplification, balance, instrumentation, character of sound, media, equipment control, planning and rigging in stage space, and working with stage management to set cues for the live performances.

    This course may be completed 4 times for credit.
  • THST 341  Acting on Camera

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Designed for acting students who want to gain knowledge and experience in acting for film and television, the primary market in the entertainment industry. Sessions give each participant a hands-on experience in acting for the camera. The actors are able to see and evaluate each other’s film work during a special screening session at the end of the course.

    Prerequisites THST 202

    Open to Acting majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 343  Oral Interpretation

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 60.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    The course examines the elements of form and structure in various kinds of literature, and applies that analysis to the craft of the performance. Studies begin with fairy tales, investigate modern and contemporary retellings of fairy tales, and continue with modern and contemporary short stories. The techniques of oral interpretation, different than those used in a studio acting class, focus on the meaning of literature via suggestive vocal dexterity and subtlety of revelation, rather than explicit action. Students are required to write papers analyzing the literature they choose to perform.

    Prerequisites THPD*120

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 344  Audition Techniques

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This course focuses on the skills necessary to audition successfully for theater, film, and television. Topics include cold readings, monologues, television commercials, and dealing with agents and casting directors.

    Prerequisites THST 361 or THST 302

    Open to Acting and Applied Theater Arts majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 361  Fundamentals of Directing

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    An overview of the directorial process. Discusses the various facets of a director’s job, especially in the early phases of a production, e.g. working with the actor, casting, table work and rehearsal, and culminates with each student directing a scene of his/her own. The emphasis is on empowering the students as theater practitioners, within the rehearsal process, by introducing them to the basic problems encountered by the stage director with whom all theater participants work.

    Prerequisites THST 232, THPD 261, or THST 201

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 371  Rehearsal & Performance I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    4 credits undefined hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Preparation and presentation of faculty-directed works in progress or in major production projects. In addition, each student prepares and presents a performance journal.

    Prerequisites THST*202

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 372  Rehearsal & Performance II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    4 credits undefined hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Preparation and presentation of faculty-directed works-in-progress or in major production projects. In addition, each student will prepare and present a performance journal.

    Prerequisites THST*202

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course may be repeated for credit.
  • THST 380  Fundamentals of Acting II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 60.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Designed specifically for Voice, Dance and Applied Theater Arts majors from the Schools of Music, Dance and Theater who have been admitted into the Musical Theater Minor. This second course in the sequence is devoted primarily to technical training in which actors gain a sense of conversational reality, strengthening their imaginations, responsiveness, spontaneity, and range of emotions. The course serves as a foundation for training in acting that complements studies in musical theater technique.

    Prerequisites THST*280 w/ grade of B or better

    Open to Musical Theater minors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 401  Acting Studio: Verse Drama I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Integrated voice and performance work on period scenes and monologues. Material to be covered includes Greek and Restoration.

    Prerequisites THST*302

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 402  Acting Studio: Verse Drama II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    4 credits 105.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Continues the student’s training in the most advanced level of period-style work. Increased attention to voice work is supported by the use of texts from Greek to Restoration. Exploration of comic techniques, heightened behavior, and emotional support.

    Prerequisites THST*401

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 440  New Play Workshop

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This workshop explores the collaborative relationship between the playwright, director, and actor in the practical creation of a new work. Within a supportive environment that encourages risk and exploration, the new work is developed through dramaturgical investigation, class discussion and critiques by the instructor, and results in an informal reading of the piece.

    Prerequisites THEA*152

    Priority enrollment to Theater Management and Production majors. Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 441  Stage to Video Production

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Project work both behind and in front of the camera. Each actor works on a monologue or scene chosen in consultation with the instructor to make his/her work in front of a camera compelling, secure, and believable. ATA students deal with Production Assistant responsibilities, such as continuity, assisting directing, etc. Student assignments may vary according to strengths and interests. Special benefit: students can use excerpts from the workshop for a “video audition” commonly required by today’s casting directors, agents, and film/TV directors.

    Prerequisites THST*341

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • THST 443  Acting for Film I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    For acting students who want to gain advanced knowledge and experience in acting for film and television. The primary goal of the class is to bring out each actor’s natural talent, which is often the most ‘marketable’ in the film and television industry. Each actor works on a monologue or scene, chosen in consultation with the instructor, to make his/her work in front of a camera compelling, secure, and believable. Special video sessions give each participant a valuable, hands-on experience in acting for the camera. The actors are also able to see and evaluate each other’s film work during a special screening session at the end of the course. The actors use excerpts from their monologue/scene for a video audition commonly required by today’s casting directors, actor’s agents, and film/TV directors.

    Prerequisites THST*341

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 444  Acting for Film II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    For acting students who want to gain advanced knowledge and experience in acting for film and television. The primary goal of the class is to bring out each actor’s natural talent, which is often the most ‘marketable’ in the film and television industry. Each actor works on a monologue or scene, chosen in consultation with the instructor, to make his/her work in front of a camera compelling, secure, and believable. Special video sessions give each participant a valuable, hands-on experience in acting for the camera. The actors are also able to see and evaluate each other’s film work during a special screening session at the end of the course. The actors use excerpts from their monologue/scene for a video audition commonly required by today’s Casting Directors, Actor’s Agents, and Film/TV Directors.

    Prerequisites THST*443

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 445  Scene Study in American Playwrights

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This Senior acting studio focuses on American master playwrights of the 20th century: O’Neil, Miller, Albee, Williams, Shepard, etc. Scenes are chosen to give students the opportunity to explore fully the emotional lives of characters and learn how to become more expressive and imaginative in their acting choices. The work of this course demands the complete investment of the actor through transformation of self into character in these heightened, highly theatrical texts. Improvisation and exercises may also be included in the work sessions.

    Prerequisites THST*301

    Open to Acting, Applied Theater Arts and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 461  Directing Studio

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    A thorough investigation of the directing vocabulary, exercises in space and composition, exploration of scripts from the director’s point of view, and practical experience with ground plans. The student is asked to demonstrate his/her understanding of blocking values and textual analysis by conceptualizing and then staging simple scenes. Introduces the basics of acting coaching and is coordinated with script analysis and dramatic criticism.

    Prerequisites THST*361

    Priority enrollment to Theater Management and Production majors. Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 471  Rehearsal & Performance III

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    4 credits undefined hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Preparation and public performances of faculty-and guest-directed theater productions. Faculty coach works with students on an individual basis in problem-solving and strengthening technique related to the work in production.

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 472  Rehearsal & Performance IV

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    4 credits undefined hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Preparation and public performances of faculty-and guest-directed theater productions. Faculty coach works with students on an individual basis in problem-solving and strengthening technique related to the work in production.

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 111  Voice and Speech for Actors I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Linklater exercises are the basis of a course designed to help the student find his/her natural voice and to integrate body, breathing, voice, thought and feeling into expression through speech. The student is given a practical understanding of the voice and how it works. Tensions that inhibit primary impulses are uncovered and dismantled. The function of the articulators is studied and they are examined for blocks and exercised for release.

    Open to Acting majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 112  Voice and Speech for Actors II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Linklater exercises are the basis of a course designed to help the student find his/her natural voice and to integrate body, breathing, voice, thought and feeling into expression through speech. The student is given a practical understanding of the voice and how it works. Tensions that inhibit primary impulses are uncovered and dismantled. The function of the articulators is studied and they are examined for blocks and exercised for release.

    Prerequisites THVC*111 and THST*101

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 120  Voice for Musical Theater Lab

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    0 credits 22.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Supports Voice for Musical Theater I & II.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • THVC 121  Musical Theater Performance:introduction

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Introduction to the fundamentals of vocal technique, vocal anatomy, and vocal performance for the musical stage. Examination of various styles used in the musical theater, past and present.

    Corequisite Course(s): THVC*120

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 122  Musical Theater Performance: Foundation

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Introduction to the fundamentals of vocal technique, vocal anatomy, and vocal performance for the musical stage. Examination of various styles used in the musical theater, past and present.

    Prerequisites THVC*121

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 131  Voice Lesson for Musical Theater

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 7.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Individual (and, occasionally, small group) instruction in vocal techniques appropriate for the musical theater, culminating in a jury examination each semester.

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 132  Voice Lesson for Musical Theater

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 7.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Individual (and, occasionally, small group) instruction in vocal techniques appropriate for the musical theater, culminating in a jury examination each semester.

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 210  Voice for Actors Lab

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    0 credits 22.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Lab work designed to strengthen techniques learned in THVC 211 & 212 Voice and Speech for Actors.

    Prerequisites THVC*211

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • THVC 211  Voice and Speech for Actors III

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Practical training in speech for the stage. Emphasis on articulation and eliminating regionalisms. Through the course of the year, each student is expected to achieve a high degree of proficiency in General American Pronunciation by developing a working knowledge of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Resonance, placement, and range are developed. Particular attention is paid to ending consonants, equating length of thought and length of breath and key wording.

    Prerequisites THVC 112 or THVC 132, and THST 102

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 212  Voice and Speech for Actors IV

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Practical training in speech for the stage. Emphasis on articulation and eliminating regionalisms. Through the course of the year, each student is expected to achieve a high degree of proficiency in General American Pronunciation by developing a working knowledge of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Resonance, placement, and range are developed. Particular attention is paid to ending consonants, equating length of thought and length of breath and key wording.

    Prerequisites THVC 211 and THST 201

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 221  Musical Theater Performance: Principles of Singing Acting I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 0.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An exploration of the fundamental principles of singing acting. Students learn to practice making expressive behavioral choices in face, body and voice while singing. Technique is developed through exercises and repertoire study. Song analysis is taught as a tool to identify the most productive opportunities for behavioral choice-making.

    Prerequisites THVC*122

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 222  Musical Theater Performance: Principles of Singing Acting II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Continued exploration of procedures for making expressive behavioral choices in face, body and voice while singing. Application in scene work (duets) as well as solo singing. Specificity, authenticity, variety and intensity of behavioral choice-making are pursued through exercises and repertoire study.

    Prerequisites THVC*221

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 231  Voice Lesson for Musical Theater

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 7.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    See THVC 131.

    Prerequisites THVC*132

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 232  Voice Lesson for Musical Theater

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 7.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    See THVC 131.

    Prerequisites THVC*231

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 311  Voice and Speech for Actors V

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Involves the study of the key dialects of North America, the British Isles, and Europe, as well as work in the area of voice characterization, using the International Phonetic Alphabet as a guide. Later work in voice and text would cover breathing support, vocal connection, energy, musicality, variety, and clarity. Some monologue and sonnet work would be drawn from material from such authors as Shaw and Shakespeare. The dialects chosen are those for which there is most demand in dramatic literature and in the commercial theater; consequently, some time is spent on “Standard British,” “Southern Irish,” and a range of “American Southern,” and “New York” accents. Approximately six to eight dialects are addressed in depth.

    Prerequisites THVC 212 and THST 202

    Corequisite Course(s): THVC*210

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
    This course is equated with the following courses: THVC*311, TH*309A, TH*309
  • THVC 312  Voice and Speech for Actors VI

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Involves the study of the key dialects of North America, the British Isles, and Europe, as well as work in the area of voice characterization, using the International Phonetic Alphabet as a guide. Later work in voice and text would cover breathing support, vocal connection, energy, musicality, variety, and clarity. Some monologue and sonnet work would be drawn from material from such authors as Shaw and Shakespeare. The dialects chosen are those for which there is most demand in dramatic literature and in the commercial theater; consequently, some time is spent on “Standard British,” “Southern Irish,” and a range of “American Southern,” and “New York” accents. Approximately six to eight dialects are addressed in depth.

    Prerequisites THST*301 THMD*361

    Open to Acting majors only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
    This course is equated with the following courses: THVC*312, TH*309B, TH*310, THVC*312
  • THVC 321  Musical Theater Performance: Styles I

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Styles of singing-acting. Students apply integrated singing-acting technique to a diverse range of period styles of musical theater. Solo literature from the 1860s through the present day is examined.

    Prerequisites THST*202, THST*212, and THST*222

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 322  Musical Theater Performance: Styles II

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Styles of singing-acting. Students apply integrated singing-acting technique to a diverse range of period styles of musical theater. Solo literature from the 1860s through the present day is examined.

    Prerequisites THVC*321

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 331  Voice Lesson for Musical Theater

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 7.5 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Individual (and, occasionally, small group) instruction in vocal techniques appropriate for the musical theater, culminating in a jury examination each semester. See THVC 131 & 132.

    Prerequisites THVC*232

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 332  Voice Lesson for Musical Theater

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 7.5 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Individual (and, occasionally, small group) instruction in vocal techniques appropriate for the musical theater, culminating in a jury examination each semester. See THVC 131 & 132.

    Prerequisites THVC*331

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 411  Speech for Actors VII

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 22.5 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Emphasis is on Dialects. Standard English, regional and national accents, using Standard English as a base, is the focus in the first semester. During the year, individual vocal and speech problems are addressed through class clinics and tutorials.

    Prerequisites THST*302, THMD*362, and THVC*311

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 412  Speech for Actors VIII

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    3 credits 22.5 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Emphasis is on Dialects. Standard English, regional and national accents, using Standard English as a base, is the focus in the first semester. During the year, individual vocal and speech problems are addressed through class clinics and tutorials.

    Prerequisites THST*401 and THMD*461

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 421  Musical Theater Performance: Cabaret/Audition

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    A senior seminar in singing-acting. Students work on more demanding repertoire and on special performing challenges such as cabaret theater and auditioning. A Senior Showcase is prepared and performed, and professional outplacement issues are addressed.

    Prerequisites THVC*222

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 422  Musical Theater Performance: Professional Preparation

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    A senior seminar in singing-acting. Students work on more demanding repertoire and on special performing challenges such as cabaret theater and auditioning. A Senior Showcase is prepared and performed, and professional outplacement issues are addressed.

    Prerequisites THVC*222

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 431  Voice Lesson for Musical Theater

    College of Performing Arts Ira Brind School of Theater Arts

    1 credit 7.5 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    See THVC 131.

    Prerequisites THVC*332

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.

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