Feb 17, 2025  
2013-2014 University Catalog 
2013-2014 University Catalog [Archived Catalogue]

Enrollment and Registration


Class Level     Continuous Enrollment Requirement     Degree Program (change or declaration)     Enrollment Status & Course Loads     Leave of Absence     Mandatory Terms of Enrollment     Matriculated Students     Minors/Concentrations     Multiple Degrees     Non-matriculated Study     Readmission     Withdrawal from the University

Academic Advising     Credit Duplication     Credit Overloads     Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Students     Graduate Topics     Independent Study     Internship     Off-campus Study     Private Music Lessons     Registration     Withdrawal from a Course


Academic Advising

Academic advising at the University is designed to provide information and assistance to students from the time they enter the University until they complete all degree requirements for their program. Advising is a shared responsibility between the University and the student.

Each student is assigned a faculty advisor. The student is required to meet with his/her advisor at least once each semester to discuss the student’s academic program. Students are encouraged to seek out the advisor as soon as any difficulties begin to occur.

Students may visit the Advising Center at any time for assistance. Academic advisors in the Center can help students make a successful transition to college and explore academic options, including major, minors, internships, and concentrations.

Students may access their academic records through the portal at any time. Faculty and staff advisors also have access to degree audits and transcripts for the students they advise.

Class Level

A student’s class status is determined by the number of credits earned, regardless of the number of semesters of enrollment or the student’s standing in his or her major program. Class status is a factor in determining financial aid eligibility and is one indicator of academic progress. Class standing is also used to prioritize scheduling during registration.

Graduate Programs

G1 00 - 17.5 credits  
G2 18+ credits  

Undergraduate Programs

U1 00 - 29.5 credits freshman
U2 30 - 59.5 credits sophomore
U3 60 - 89.5 credits junior
U4 90 - 123 credits senior
U5 123+ credits senior


Continuous Enrollment Requirement for Graduate Programs

A student who has completed all program requirements and is currently working on the graduate thesis/project, either on or off-campus, must register for GRAD 001 Graduate Thesis Continuation and pay the appropriate fee (see tuition and fees ) until the thesis/project is completed and accepted.

Registration in GRAD 001 is required in each succeeding mandatory term of enrollment, until the thesis/project is accepted. Students completing a degree in the summer must register for GRAD 001 in the final summer semester.

Credit Duplication

No courses, including graduate courses, used to satisfy undergraduate degree requirements may be counted again toward graduate degree requirements. Except where explicitly outlined in program requirements in the five year Bachelor+MAT programs.

Credit Overloads

Students wishing to take more than a full-time credit load must obtain permission from the dean of their college. Factors such as grade point average and progress in meeting degree requirements will be considered in granting permission for an overload; students are expected to be in good standing and have a 3.0 GPA. Overload credits are subject to additional charges at the standard per credit tuition rate.

To enroll in greater than a full-time credit load

  1. Download the drop/add form from the Office of the Registrar website.
  2. The course(s) which will trigger an overload should be listed on the drop/add form.
  3. Approval must be obtained from the student’s home college dean and should be documented on the drop/add form by clearly noting “credit overload approved.”
  4. Payment arrangements must be made with Student Financial Services (SFS) prior to registration.  A receipt will be provided by SFS to present to the Office of the Registrar.
  5. The drop/add form must be returned to the Office of the Registrar by the student along with proof of payment provided by SFS. Registration for credit overloads must be completed in person.

Degree Program

Change in degree program

Students may request a change of major through the Office of the Registrar. Students are advised to initiate the process prior to advising and registration for the upcoming semester. As part of the review process students may be required to present a portfolio or to audition. Acceptance into a new program may be contingent upon the successful completion of the courses in which the student was enrolled at the time the application to was submitted. Therefore, approval to change majors may be rescinded based on the result of that semester’s coursework.

After completion of a change of major, students are advised to review their degree program requirements with their new academic advisor.

To request a Change in Degree Program:

  1. Download the Change in Degree Program form from the Office of the Registrar website.
  2. Obtain the necessary approvals, as articulated on the form.
  3. Submit the approved form to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

Declaration of major, CAMD first-year students

Students in the College of Art, Media & Design enrolled in the Core Studies program may declare a major within the College as early as the second semester of their first-year through the second semester of their sophomore year. Declarations should be submitted prior to the advising period for an upcoming term. This will ensure advisors have access to advising materials customized to reflect a student’s completed coursework and how it will apply to their declared program of study.

To declare a major:

  1. Access the CAMD Declaration of Major form from the Office of the Registrar website. Standard UArts credentials should be used to access the form if prompted.
  2. Forms are completed electronically and upon submission will be processed by the Office of the Registrar.

Enrollment Status & Course Loads

Enrollment status is calculated for active matriculated students by totaling the number of credits a student is registered for during a given term. Enrollment statuses vary by program and term, as defined below.

Graduate Programs

Fall & Spring Semesters

Program Less than Half-time Half-time Full-time
Art Education, MA
The Arts, GC
Book Arts/Printmaking, MFA
Educational Program Design, M.Ed
Educational Technology, GC
Inclusion, GC
Industrial Design, MID
Jazz Studies, GD
Jazz Studies, MM
Literacy, GC
Museum & Primary Sources, GC
Museum Communication, MA
Museum Education, MA
Museum Exhibition, Planning, & Design; MFA
Music Education, MAT
Music Technology, GC
Visual Arts, MAT
.5 - 4.0 credits 4.5 - 8.5 credits 9 - 18 credits
Studio Art, MFA .5 - 4.0 credits N/A 4.5 credits

Summer Terms

Program Less than Half-time Half-time Full-time
Art Education, MA
The Arts, GC
Book Arts/Printmaking, MFA
Educational Program Design, M.Ed
Educational Technology, GC
Inclusion, GC
Industrial Design, MID
Jazz Studies, GD
Jazz Studies, MM
Literacy, GC
Museum & Primary Sources, GC
Museum Communication, MA
Museum Education, MA
Museum Exhibition, Planning, & Design; MFA
Music Education, MAT
Music Technology, GC
Visual Arts, MAT
.5 - 4.0 credits 4.5 - 8.5 credits 9 - 18 credits
Studio Art, MFA .5 - 5.5 credits 6.0 - 11.5 credits

12.0 - 18.0 credits

Undergraduate Programs

Fall, Spring, and Summer Terms

Program Less than Half-time Half-time Full-time
All UG Programs .5 - 5.5 credits 6.0 - 11.5 credits 12 - 18 credits

International students must normally maintain full-time status during mandatory terms of enrollment for visa purposes. See the Director of International Student Affairs for specific information concerning all visa policies.

Graduate Courses for Undergraduate Students

A student in the final year of the bachelor’s degree program may take a maximum of 6 credits of graduate courses toward a master’s degree, subject to all of the following conditions:

  • The student must have completed the junior level of the major.
  • The graduate credits must be over and above the credits required for the bachelor’s degree and may not be applied to that degree.
  • The student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or better.
  • Permission is granted by the department chairperson/director and dean of the college.
  • No more than a total of 6 credits, taken either as a UArts undergraduate or non-matriculated student, or taken at another college or university, may be applied to the graduate program.

Graduate Topics

Graduate students may register for undergraduate courses for graduate credit. Often this work contributes directly to preparation of the graduate project or thesis proposal. Students are welcome to select an area of study that broadens or intensifies their background in the arts, education, and related disciplines.

The student and instructor will document in writing the additional requirements commensurate with graduate level study, beyond the undergraduate requirements for the course. It should be understood that “additional requirements” implies complexity of work, which is not satisfied by quantity alone.

Graduate students interested in enrolling in undergraduate courses for graduate credit should search for courses with a GRXX subject code (i.e. GRPT: Graduate Painting). Enrollment in a Graduate Topics course (GRXX 699) requires instructor consent. Courses numbered GRXX 500 or lower do not require instructor consent to register, however, students are required to document additional requirements with the instructor as articulated above.

To enroll in a graduate topics course (GRXX 699):

  1. Download a Graduate Topics form from the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  2. Complete the form in counsel with the course instructor.
  3. Obtain permission from the Graduate Program Director and (for Liberal Arts courses) the Dean of Liberal Arts.
  4. Submit the form to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

Independent Study

Independent Study offers a matriculated student the opportunity to initiate individual research or advanced projects that are beyond the offerings of the University. Students are responsible for documenting the content of the independent study to other institutions or outside agencies, should they require further information beyond the student’s transcript.

The following policies apply to independent study courses:

  • Available to junior and senior undergraduate students, with a 2.5 minimum GPA
  • Available to graduate students in good academic standing
  • Independent study courses cannot be taken pass/fail
  • The approved number of credits for independent study cannot be changed after the student has registered for the course.
  • Each independent study may be taken for 1.5-6 credits in CAMD, 1-6 credits in CPA, or 1-3 credits in Liberal Arts.
  • Students may apply no more than 12 credits of independent study to their degree requirements. An independent study will fulfill elective credit requirements: free, studio, or liberal arts depending on the topic of investigation.

To enroll in an independent study:

  1. Download an independent study form from the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  2. Identify a University of the Arts faculty member with expertise in the area of investigation, who is willing to serve as the course instructor.
  3. In consultation with the selected faculty member, develop a proposal and complete the independent study form, which must include a semester plan for the course of study, indicating the number of credits being taken and the evaluation criteria to be used by the faculty member in defining the course grade.
  4. Obtain permission from the program director.
  5. Submit the form to the Office of the Registrar for processing.
  6. Register for the course during the registration period. Select the appropriate subject code. The section number is always 00.
    Undergraduate Independent Study: XXXX 490 00
    Graduate Independent Study: GRXX 690 00


Internships allow undergraduate juniors and seniors, as well as graduate students, the opportunity to earn academic credit while working in their chosen field. For more information concerning internships students should speak to their program/school director or Office of Career Services.

The following policies apply to internships:

  • Internship courses are scheduled during the fall, spring, and summer terms.
  • Students may not apply more than six internship credits toward their degree requirements, with the exception of students majoring in Theater or Dance who may apply up to twelve credits.
  • Some internship courses are graded pass/fail, others require a letter grade.
  • Special Tuition & Fees apply to internships completed during the summer

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence is a pre-approved leave from the University that suspends a student’s course of study for a given term, without having to apply for readmission, without altering academic requirements, and while holding financial aid. It is necessary to petition for a leave of absence if a student is unable to fulfill their academic program’s mandatory terms of enrollment.

Petitions for leave of absence requested for a term in progress must be received by the Office of the Registrar by the course withdrawal deadline. Students who are approved for a leave of absence for a term already in progress will be dropped from all courses for which they are enrolled. In this instance, the student will be subject to published University grading, course withdrawal, and refund policies. Students who do not register for their program’s next mandatory term of enrollment upon conclusion of their leave of absence will be withdrawn from the University.

Students who need to suspend their course of study for longer than one consecutive term will need to withdraw from the University and apply for readmission at the time they wish to return. Students considering this option should contact Student Financial Services to discuss what, if any, impact this will have on their financial aid.

A leave of absence granted for a future term will be rescinded if the student is subsequently placed on probation for the current term. Students in this situation will be administratively withdrawn from the University and notified in writing concerning the change in status by the Office of the Registrar

General Leave of Absence

A general leave of absence is granted to students who wish to take time away from school for personal reasons of a non-medical nature.

Medical Leave of Absence

A medical leave of absence is granted to students who wish to apply for a leave due to a medical condition. An approved medical leave of absence indicates that a student may return to classes at the end of his/her leave once appropriate medical documentation has been received and verified by the Dean of Students.

To be Eligible for a Leave of Absence

  • A student must be in good academic standing.
  • A student must be in good financial standing.
  • A leave will only be granted for one semester in a 12-month period.
  • Petitions for a leave of absence requested for a term already in progress must be received by the Office of the Registrar no later than 5PM on the course withdrawal deadline published in the academic calendar.
    Additional graduate students requirements include:
  • A maximum of two leaves of absence will be approved for graduate students during their course of study.
  • Students who are under the continuous enrollment requirement are not eligible for a leave of absence.

To Request a Leave of Absence:

  1. Download the leave of absence form from the forms section of the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  2. Obtain all required approvals from the offices listed on the form. Students may be academically advised by their Program Director prior to taking leave from the University. Courses should be listed in the designated section of the leave of absence form. Completing this section will facilitate a student’s return to the University by granting them advisor approval for the term they are schedule to return and making it unnecessary to submit an advising form to the Office of the Registrar.
  3. The final approval lies with the Dean of Students, who will return the completed form to the Office of the Registrar.
    The Office of the Registrar then grants the approved leave of absence and will notify the student in writing.

Mandatory Terms of Enrollment

Students matriculated into degree programs at the University are required to enroll during specific terms.  If a student is unable to enroll during a mandatory term of enrollment he or she may petition for a leave of absence to maintain their enrollment.  Failure to meet mandatory terms of enrollment requirements will result in administrative withdrawal from the University, see the Withdrawal from University policy for additional information.

Graduate Programs

Program Required terms per academic year
Art Education, MA
The Arts, GC
Book Arts/Printmaking, MFA
Educational Program Design, M.Ed
Educational Technology, GC
Inclusion, GC
Industrial Design, MID
Jazz Studies, GD
Jazz Studies, MM
Literacy, GC
Museum & Primary Sources, GC
Museum Communication, MA
Museum Education, MA
Museum Exhibition, Planning, & Design; MFA
Music Education, MAT
Music Technology, GC
Visual Arts, MAT
Two terms required: Fall and Spring
Educational Program Design, M.Ed One term required: Summer, Fall, or Spring
Studio Art, MFA Three terms required: Mid-Summer, Fall, and Spring
Music Education, MM One term required: Summer

Undergraduate Programs

Program Required terms per academic year
All undergraduate programs Two terms required: Fall and Spring

Matriculated Students

Matriculated students are those who have applied, been accepted, and enrolled in a degree program at The University of the Arts. Courses completed prior to matriculation into a program are subject to review and may not be applied to degree requirements.

Minors & Concentrations

The University offers minors and concentrations for undergraduate degree candidates who wish to focus on a specific discipline. Students are encouraged to declare a minor if it contributes to meeting their educational goals. There is no penalty for declaring a minor and not completing it.

The following policy applies to all minors:

  • Students must meet eligibility requirements that may include a satisfactory grade point average, prerequisites, and/or portfolio review.
  • A student may not major and minor in the same program, except where indicated.
  • Courses completed in pursuit of a minor fulfill elective requirements, including liberal arts electives.
  • All minors require a minimum of 15 credits, with the exception of E-Music for Music majors.
  • Substitutions for minor requirements are only permitted in exceptional circumstances. The advisor for a minor or concentration may choose to approve a substitution.
  • The requirements of the minor must be completed prior to graduation.
  • A student pursuing a minor may be required to complete more than the minimum number of credits required to complete the undergraduate degree in order to also complete the minor.
  • Minors are available only to undergraduate students.

To enroll in a minor:

  1. Download the Declaration/Change of Minor form from the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  2. Obtain permission from both major and minor advisors.
  3. Submit the form to the Office of the Registrar for processing.

Multiple Degrees

  • A student who has completed one degree and wishes to matriculate in another does so by applying to the new program through the Office of Admission.
  • A student may not receive two different master’s degrees from the same program; i.e., he or she cannot pursue both the MA in Art Education and MAT in Visual Arts.
  • A student may earn up to two master’s degrees at the University, either simultaneously or sequentially.
  • If a student is admitted into a second degree program, and six credits are shared between the two programs, the student may transfer a maximum of six additional credits toward the degree from an accredited institution.
  • Students in the MFA in Studio Art program who wish to pursue a second graduate degree will be charged the regular graduate tuition rate in the semesters in which they are pursuing two degrees.

Non-matriculated Study

The University of the Arts permits individuals who have not applied to a degree program at the University to register as non-matriculated students. Non-matriculation study provides those who already hold a high school diploma or higher degree the opportunity to pursue college-level instruction or study with a specific professor at the University of the Arts. Permission from the program or school director is required to enroll as a non-matriculated student. Students must provide an official transcript evidencing high school diploma, equivalent, or higher degree.

Non-matriculated students may enroll for a maximum of 11.5 credits per semester and may not audit any classes. Credits earned by non-matriculated students may be used toward a degree program at The University of the Arts with permission of the program director responsible for that program. Non-matriculated students who are simultaneously enrolled, or have plans to enroll at another institution, may transfer credits to that institution, however, acceptance of those credits for transfer is subject to the approval of the other institution.

To Enroll as a Non-matriculated Student

  1. Download the Non-matriculated Application from the Office of the Registrar website.
  2. Select a course or courses that you would like to apply for from the available course section offerings.
  3. Request official transcripts from your high school or any colleges attended to be sent to the Office of the Registrar at the above address (hand delivered copies must be sealed).
  4. Contact the program director of the department that offers the course you wish to take and obtain approval to enroll.
  5. Prior to registering for the course(s) payment will need to be made in full to the Office of Student Financial Services.
  6. Register for the course(s) in the Office of the Registrar.  Proof of payment as well as a completed application will need to be provided at the time of registration.

Off-Campus Study

Study abroad, domestic mobility, and exchange opportunities are available through programs hosted or coordinated through regionally accredited U.S. institutions, or through direct application to a foreign institution whose courses the University has agreed to accept for credit. The selection of a program should be made carefully, as it may have implications for cost, financial aid, transferability of credits, progress in the major, and progress toward completion of degree requirements. Students must meet with their program directors to review the program under consideration to ensure their academic progress towards fulfilling their UArts degree requirements.

Local Exchange Opportunities

Peirce College

This program will be launching for the Spring 2014 semester. 

The University of the Arts and Peirce College have established a cross-registration agreement to enrich the curriculums of both institutions. The agreement provides students access to broader range of subject areas not typically available from their home institution and is intended to promote collaboration among students and faculty members at the two institutions, leading to collaborative work and curriculum.

The following policies apply to students enrolling in coursework at Peirce College

  • Courses taken at Peirce College are included in enrollment load calculations (full time and part time status), tuition and fees, and financial aid packaging at the University of the Arts.
  • Students do not pay additional tuition unless they enroll in a course with an additional fee.
  • Students who receive a grade below 2.0 in a course taken at Peirce College will not be permitted to participate in the exchange in the future.
  • Students will be held to the rules and regulations for student conduct and disciplinary standards of both institutions. In the case of a violation, the deans of students will consult with each other, and if deemed appropriate, students may be sanctioned by both universities.
  • Any appeal of grades shall be handled according to the regulations and procedures at Peirce College.
  • Students may take one course per term for a maximum of 18 credits, which may be completed at Peirce College over six semesters.
  • Participants will have non-matriculated status at Peirce College, be provided with a student ID and be entitled to those privileges normally available to non-matriculated students.
  • Courses taken at the Peirce College receive letter grades and appear on a student’s transcript as though the course were taken at UArts.

To enroll in a course at Peirce College

Enrollment and registration procedures are being developed.  Inquires can be directed to the University Registrar, Margaret Kip via email at mkip@uarts.edu.

The University of the Sciences

The University of the Arts and University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (USciences) have an exchange program allowing students from both universities to take advantage of both institutions’ courses. The agreement allows students to take one course per semester at USciences.

The available USciences courses cover a broad range of subjects and vary each semester – the sciences, foreign languages, the social sciences, history and political sciences, computer science and mathematics, and business and marketing. In addition, exchange students have full access to the library and athletic center.

The following policies apply to students enrolling in coursework at USciences

  • Courses taken at USciences are included in enrollment load calculations (full time and part time status), tuition and fees, and financial aid packaging at the University of the Arts.
  • Students do not pay additional tuition unless they enroll in a course with an additional fee.
  • Students who receive a grade below 2.0 in a course taken at USciences will not be permitted to participate in the exchange in the future.
  • Students will be held to the rules and regulations for student conduct and disciplinary standards of both institutions. In the case of a violation, the deans of students will consult with each other, and if deemed appropriate, students may be sanctioned by both universities.
  • Any appeal of grades shall be handled according to the regulations and procedures at USciences.
  • Students may take one course per term for a maximum of 18 credits, which may be completed at the University of the Sciences over six semesters.
  • Participants will have non-matriculated status at the away university, be provided with a student ID and be entitled to those privileges normally available to non-matriculated students.
  • Courses taken at the University of the Sciences receive letter grades and appear on a student’s transcript as though the course were taken at UArts.

To enroll in a course at the University of the Sciences

  1. Download and complete the Exchange Registration Agreement.
    (This form is only required during the first semester of study at USciences.)
  2. Students should meet with their UArts program director to obtain approval.
  3. The exchange opportunity is limited to a small number of students from both institutions. Final selection is determined by program directors at the University of the Arts. Selected students will be notified via email.
  4. Selected students should register for EX*USP*00 during the registration period.
    (Subject: EX, Course number: USP, Section: 00)
  5. The USciences Course Registration Request form must be completed by the student, approved by the USciences Coordinator, and submitted to the USciences Registrar.
  6. The Office of the Registrar (UArts) will complete a student’s registration in cooperation with the USciences Registrar. Students will receive email confirmation once the USciences course registration is complete.

Study Abroad

Study abroad options include:

Direct Enrollment

The University of the Arts maintains agreements with partner institutions, particularly in the United Kingdom, that permit students to enroll directly for a semester or longer. There is normally an application process specific to the institution and space is not guaranteed. Students enrolling in these programs pay University of the Arts tuition and the University of the Arts pays the partner institution’s tuition on behalf of the student. For institutions with tuition that exceeds UArts tuition, students will be billed by UArts for the difference.

International Exchange Programs

University of the Arts students have the opportunity to be considered to study away from Philadelphia at one of the University’s partner institutions by participating in a student exchange. The International Exchange Program enables select UArts students to study at a variety of institutions while earning University of the Arts credit and being immersed in the culture of some of the world’s most exciting cities.

Many universities offer coursework in English, while others require advanced knowledge of a foreign language.

Students who are approved to enroll in the International Exchange Program pay UArts tuition which allows students to maintain their financial aid package, including grants and scholarships (unique partner fees may be required). Students may also apply for additional financial aid (in the form of loans) for study abroad through the Student Financial Services Office.

Mobility Program

The UArts College of Art, Media, and Design is a member of the Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design (AICAD). Students in good standing may spend a semester, usually in their Junior year, as a guest at another participating member institution. Students remain matriculated at the University of the Arts and, with their advisor’s prior approval, will receive full credit for work done at participating AICAD institutions.

Affiliated Programs

The University maintains affiliation agreements with a select group of study abroad providers who welcome applications from UArts students. Applications for these programs are submitted through the University’s Study Abroad Office. Students enrolling in affiliate programs pay the University of the Arts tuition and the University pays the affiliate’s tuition on behalf of the student. For affiliates with tuition that exceeds that exceed UArts tuition, students will be billed by UArts for the difference.

Students should contact the Study Abroad Coordinator by telephone or e-mail (215-717-6389, studyabroad@uarts.edu) to learn more about these options, including application deadlines, procedures, and costs. Planning for study abroad should begin before the end of the first year of study at the University in order to maximize the possibility of defining appropriate options.

The following policies apply to students applying for off-campus study:

  • Students with cumulative grade point averages of less than 3.0 and those on any form of academic warning will not be permitted to study abroad.
  • Students on judicial or disciplinary probation will not be approved for study abroad.
  • Students must register for a minimum of twelve credits for each semester abroad.
  • Approval of an Off-Campus Study form is always contingent on acceptance by an affiliated program or a partner institution. The Study Abroad Coordinator has up-to-date information concerning deadlines for application and application procedures.
  • Students who normally receive Financial Aid remain eligible for federal, state, institutional, and merit-based aid while engaged in off-campus study and upon their return to UArts, presuming that the student continues to meet the academic requirements of their aid package. Please note that some named institutional scholarships may not be applied toward off-campus study.
  • The student will be billed for tuition and fees by UArts. UArts will then pay the student’s required tuition and fees at the institution where the student is accepted up to an amount equal to the University of the Arts tuition. Students will be responsible for tuition costs that exceed UArts tuition.
  • Depending on the agreement that the University has made with a partner institution, students may be billed by UArts for the costs of housing or travel, and those payments will then be made on behalf of the student. In all cases, students are responsible for the costs of travel and housing.
  • The Study Abroad Office always makes clear to students in advance what the full costs of any program will be, including broad advice about living and incidental costs, which can vary greatly by country. Students abroad are normally not permitted to work by the host country, and so need to plan on funding all of their expenses that semester without the benefit of a part-time job.
  • All off-campus study forms in fall and spring must be complete (with all relevant approvals) by April 10, 2014. This normally means that students should begin the petition as early as March 15. The Study Abroad Coordinator is available to assist with filling out the petition form correctly and will facilitate the process of gaining approvals.
  • Students who plan to study abroad should apply for financial aid adhering to normal deadlines and procedures. Additionally, such students will be asked to provide the University of the Arts Office of Student Financial Services with a duly executed power of attorney if documents will require their signature during the study abroad period. In the course of applying to study abroad, a student should meet with his or her assigned Financial Aid counselor to assure that aid is processed before he or she leaves the country. In addition, students studying off campus may not use the extended payment plan (TMS) to pay for tuition and other charges.

Private Music Lessons

Private music lessons are offered by the School of Music and are available to all students at the University.

There are two types of private music lessons:

  • Applied Major Instruction: These are a sequence of courses, which are required for students enrolled in performance-based programs offered by the School of Music. Applied major instruction courses have the subject code MULS. Registration for an applied major instruction course does not carry an additional fee.
  • Non-Major lessons: Non-major lessons are available to all students at the University, including students enrolled in performance-based programs offered by the School of Music, who want private instruction in an instrument other than their declared major instrument. These courses have the subject code MUNM. Non-major lessons carry an additional fee, refer to the Tuition & Fees page  for additional information.

Instruction is available in the following areas: Bass (Electric and/or Upright), Cello, Clarinet, Composition, Drums, Flute, Guitar, Hand Drums, Saxophone, Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, Percussion, Piano, Vibes, Violin, Voice, Woodwinds

To register for a private music lesson:

  1. Select a course from the Private Music Lessons pdf published on the Course Section Offerings page of the Office of the Registrar website.
  2. Register for the course online during the registration period.
  3. Students should contact the professor directly via email to arrange a meeting time immediately upon registering for a private music lesson. The meeting time and day will be listed on a student’s schedule as TBA.

Questions can be directed to Michelle Wall in the School of Music via email mwall@uarts.edu.


Previous students who want to continue their studies at the University may apply for readmission through the Office of the Registrar.  Requests for readmission are reviewed and considered by the admitting dean, program director, and appropriate administrative offices and can take up to four weeks for processing. The program office reserves the right to require transcripts, letters of recommendation, an additional portfolio review, or audition.

Credit for courses taken seven or more years prior to the date of readmission will be re-evaluated in conjunction with degree programs currently offered. Academic units may choose not to accept courses regardless of when they were completed for credit toward the degree. Final determination on the readmission application will be made by the dean of the college and the decision applies only to the semester listed on the readmission form. If the student is accepted and does not return for that semester, the student must reapply.

In the event of academic or other dismissal, a readmission application will not be considered until a full academic year has elapsed. Readmitted students will carry the cumulative GPA that was in place at the completion of the last semester attended at UArts. Please also note that previous censure any academic standards committee will apply to a readmitted student.

To apply for readmission:

  1. Download the Readmission form from the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  2. Complete and return the form including the readmission fee to the Office of the Registrar.

Questions concerning readmission can be directed to the Office of the Registrar at 215.717.6420 or via email registrar@uarts.edu.


Registration occurs prior to each semester; for the fall semester in April, and for the spring semester in November.  In preparing for registration, students consult with their faculty advisors, who help them assemble schedules for the semester and who give final approval to all course selections.  The meeting with the faculty advisor does not constitute registration. It is the student’s responsibility after meeting with an advisor to register either online or in person for the course selections listed on their advising form.  Once registration closes at the beginning of a semester, all students participating in a course, whether enrolled for credit or audit, must be officially registered.  Students who are not officially registered for the course will not be permitted to attend.

Late Registration

A late-registration fee of $35 will be charged to any student who has not completed registration by the first day of term. Late registration may jeopardize a student’s chance of obtaining his/her desired course schedule.

Placeholder Credits

During registration some students have trouble finding courses that fit in their schedules. As a result, they may not be able to register for the 12-credit minimum (nine credits for graduate students) necessary to maintain full-time status. In order to maintain full-time status for financial aid purposes, the Office of the Registrar may register students for temporary “place holder” credits.

Students with placeholder credits are expected to register for the needed additional course(s) immediately as online registration remains open through the first two weeks of each semester. Students with placeholder credits will receive email alerts and reminders to complete their schedules from the Office of the Registrar. If the student does not register for additional coursework, by December 1 for the spring semester or August 1 for the fall semester, the placeholder will be deleted. At that time, a list of non-full-time students with this status will be generated for the office of Student Financial Services. This may cause changes in status of the financial award and student bill. Under no circumstances will a placeholder remain on the student’s schedule after the Drop/Add period ends.

Withdrawal from a Course

A student may withdraw from a course with a withdrawal (W) grade from the last day of the registration period through the last day of the tenth week of the semester. The withdrawal form must be signed by the student’s advisor and submitted to the Office of the Registrar prior to the deadline.

After the end of the tenth week a W grade is possible only under unusual circumstances such as an accident or severe illness, which must be documented. Permission to withdraw under such exceptional circumstances must be given by both the student’s advisor and college dean.

A student who wishes to withdraw from all classes must initiate an official withdrawal or leave of absence from the University as outlined in this catalogue.

If a student withdraws from all classes and does not officially withdraw from the University or take a leave of absence, he/she may be administratively withdrawn from the University or dismissed in accordance with Academic Standards policies.

To Withdraw from a Course

  1. Download the Withdrawal from a Course form from the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  2. Complete the form, obtaining advisor approval, and return it to the Office of the Registrar.

Withdrawal from the University

A student may withdraw from the University by initiating an official withdrawal process with the Office of the Registrar. Students who withdraw prior to the beginning of the fall, spring or summer semesters, or prior to the end of the registration period, do so without academic penalty.

Official Withdrawals after the registration period, but prior to the end of the tenth week of the respective fall or spring semester or second week of the respective summer session, will result in the notation of the grade “W” (Withdrawal) for all courses.

Students are not permitted to withdraw without academic penalty from the University after the end of the tenth week of a fall or spring semester or second week of a summer session, except when non-academic extenuating circumstances exist, in which case documentation (by a physician or a counseling professional) must be presented and approval of the Dean of Students must be obtained.

Students who have withdrawn and who wish to resume their studies at a later date must submit a readmission form to the Office of the Registrar and pay the readmission fee.

If the student withdrawing from the University is not physically on campus, the Office of the Registrar will accept a letter signed by the student or an e-mail from the student’s UArts e-mail account. After processing the withdrawal, the appropriate departments will be notified.

Non-attendance in classes or non-payment of tuition does not constitute grounds for withdrawal. The University does not recognize non-attendance in classes or non-payment of tuition as the equivalent of withdrawal. If the student has not officially withdrawn, and does not attend classes, he/she will be administratively withdrawn prior to the next semester.

To Withdraw from the University

  1. Download the Withdrawal from the University form from the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  2. Although not required students are encouraged to meet with and obtain approval from each office listed on the form to ensure all outstanding obligations to the University are satisfied prior to the student’s departure.
  3. Return the completed form to the Office of the Registrar for processing.