Jul 01, 2024  
2020-2021 University Catalog 
2020-2021 University Catalog [Archived Catalogue]


The University Catalogue includes a listing of all active courses; course sections are not offered every term.

  • THMD 362 Movement for Actors VI

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Develops clarity and precision of movement through increased awareness of action and character. The student develops greater kinesthetic sense and enhances his/her capability for expressive movement. This term focuses on viewpoints.

    Prerequisites THST*202

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 371 Stage Combat V

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Advanced exploration of the text-specific challenges of fight direction and fight performance using a wide variety of weapons. Weapons and texts change each semester.

    Prerequisites THMD*272 National Stage Combat Proficiency Test Recognition.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 372 Stage Combat VI

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Advanced exploration of the text-specific challenges of fight direction and fight performance using a wide variety of weapons. Weapons and texts change each semester.

    Prerequisites THMD*371

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 373 Stage Combat V

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Advanced exploration of the text-specific challenges of fight direction and fight performance using a wide variety of weapons. Weapons and texts change each semester.

    Prerequisites THMD*272 National Stage Combat Proficiency Test Recognition.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 374 Stage Combat VI

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Advanced exploration of the text-specific challenges of fight direction and fight performance using a wide variety of weapons. Weapons and texts change each semester.

    Prerequisites THMD*371 or THMD*373

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 381 Ensemble Devising

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This course invites the students to consider themselves creators of their own artistic
    material. Through a rigorous study of physical theatre they will find new ways to collaborate
    and collectively create new works of performance that engage audiences. Movement and improvisation
    are at the heart of the course, as they learn to think and write on their feet and discover their
    own artistic impulses that yield arresting moments of live performance. They will develop
    original theatre in conversation with others, sharing the responsibilities for performing,
    writing, directing and designing. While the course is rooted in many different theatrical
    traditions, it aims to cultivate a theatre of tomorrow, led by curious minds that speak to this
    contemporary moment.

    Prerequisites THST*202

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 390 Mentored Dance Technique Training

    1 - 4 credits undefined hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This course allows musical theater students advanced in jazz and ballet techniques to satisfy
    Musical Theater dance requirements through mentored placement in School of Dance classes.
    Students identified by School of Dance faculty as ready for advanced training will be placed into
    the appropriate level and weekly class schedule of Jazz and Ballet technique.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
  • THMD 452 Musical Theater Dance Auditioning

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    400 level graduate course

    A capstone course in musical theater dance focusing on auditioning skills for professional employment after graduation.

    Prerequisites THMD*223

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    Pass/fail grading only.
  • THMD 461 Movement for Actors VII

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Continuation of THMD 362. Work in LeCoq movement. Spring term develops a senior movement project.

    Prerequisites THMD 362, THST 302, and THVC 312

    Open to Acting majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 471 Stage Combat VII

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Advanced exploration of the text-specific challenges of fight direction and fight performance using a wide variety of weapons. Weapons and texts change each semester.

    Prerequisites THMD*372

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 472 Stage Combat VIII

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Advanced exploration of the text-specific challenges of fight direction and fight performance using a wide variety of weapons. Weapons and texts change each semester.

    Prerequisites THMD*372

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THMD 473 Stage Combat VII

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Advanced exploration of the text-specific challenges of fight direction and fight performance using a wide variety of weapons. Weapons and texts change each semester.

    Prerequisites THMD*372 or THMD*374

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 113 Scenery and Prop Technology

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Introductory course in physical production support for theatrical scenery and properties, including the operation of the stage and house, the types and functions of backstage personnel, the interpretation of designer plans and drawings, and the methods for construction and painting and installation of scenery and properties.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 114 Costume Technology

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Introductory course in physical production support for theatrical costumes, including the operation of the costume shop and other costume facilities, the types and functions of backstage personnel, the interpretation of designer plans and drawings, and the methods for construction, modification, and maintenance of costumes and costume accessories.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 120 Crew

    0 credits undefined hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Production assignments for School of Theater productions. Continues the classroom instruction in theater tech skills, providing an increased understanding of Technical Production.

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course may be repeated for credit.
    Pass/fail grading only.
  • THPD 121 Crew

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    This class encompasses the production assignments Brind School performance majors complete on Brind productions. These assignments continue the classroom instruction in technical theater skills. Each student will be assigned to a production and is expected to attend and work on all technical and dress rehearsals and performances. The experience of serving on the crew of a production allows students to experience the process of making theater from a different point of view and provides a window into the production and technical side of theater. Students may fulfill the responsibilities of wardrobe crew, deck crew, light board operator, sound board operator, or any other positions as assigned. In a few cases, students may be assigned to complete their crew hours in a shop for the course of a semester, rather than to a single production.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    Pass/fail grading only.
  • THPD 122 Introduction to Production Practicum

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    An introductory, practical application of training to experiences in a wide range of production areas: dramaturgy, assistant directing, stage managing, design, technology, theater management, etc. May include realized studio, workshop or production assignments. This course will prepare you for THPD*320, Production Practicum.

    Prerequisites THEA*161

    Priority enrollment for DPP majors.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    Pass/fail grading only.
  • THPD 127 Makeup

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Focuses on cosmetic application combined with thorough exploration of the relationship of appearance to character. The course emphasizes the total visual impact of the character on the audience, discussing in-depth the contribution of props and costume to the overall effect. The student is given clear directions on the basic techniques including methods and materials for all types of stage makeup, period makeup, fantasy and the use of three-dimensional makeup and prosthetic make-up.

    $100 Course Fee
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 130 Stagecraft

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Building on existing experience, this course will give students a practical working knowledge of technical theater and production in a collaborative environment, with a focus on applications in live performance. Students will work hands-on with various theater technology and develop a working vocabulary of the theater. Students will also be introduced to theater organization as it pertains to the production process and to the various roles required within production. Material covered will include introductions to scenery, lighting, sound, costume and projection equipment.

    $50 course supplies fee.

    Priority enrollment for Theater Design and DPP majors.
    $50 materials fee
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 220 Production Crew

    0.5 credits undefined hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Advanced technical production assignments for School of Theater Arts productions. This course continues the study of theatrical production begun in theater tech classes and labs. This course is meant for students with non-performance majors in the School of Theater Arts.

    Open to Theater Design Tech and Theater Manag Prod majors only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THPD 261 Stage Management I

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An examination of the role of the stage manager in theatrical production. Practice in the techniques of pre-production activity, coordinating and maintaining rehearsal discipline, developing a prompt script and calling a show.

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 262 Theater Management

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An introduction for the Applied Theater Arts student to the important role that theater managers and their administrative staffs play in the day-to-day operations of theater companies. A close-up look at all the facets of running a successful theater: fundraising and audience development, marketing and public relations, fiscal organization and board relations, box office and house management, and educational outreach.

    Prerequisites THPD*261

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only Priority enrollment to Theater Management and Production majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 264 Technical Direction

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Discussions and projects investigating the role of the technical director in theatrical production, including production scheduling, coordinating, planning, budgeting, familiarity with materials, equipment and purchasing procedures. Repeatable for elective credit, with advanced projects for repeating students.

    Prerequisites THST*132

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only Priority enrollment for Theater Design and Technology majors.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    This course is equated with the following courses: THPD*264, THPD*264
  • THPD 320 Production Practicum

    1 credit undefined hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Practical application of training to experiences in a wide range of production areas: dramaturgy, design, technology, theater management, etc. May include realized studio, workshop or project assignments.

    Prerequisites THPD*121

    Open to Applied Theater Arts and Theater Design and Technology majors only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    Pass/fail grading only.
  • THPD 350 I Am My Own Company

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This course explores self-producing theater on a sophisticated level. Students will learn how to produce solo-shows, create their own small theater company, tour their work, apply to Fringe festivals, write grants and obtain all necessary permits. The course explores traditional and non-traditional models of producing.

    Prerequisites THPD*262

    Priority enrollment for DPP majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    Pass/fail grading only.
  • THPD 361 Stage Management II

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Advanced study of the stage manager’s function in theatrical production. Coordination of production personnel and the management responsibilities in the pre-rehearsal, rehearsal, and production periods.

    Prerequisites THPD*261

    Priority enrollment to Theater Management and Production majors. Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 364 Advanced Technical Direction

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This class will delve into the specifics of technical direction for live performance and the planning for construction of theatrical scenery. The class will focus special attention on scheduling, coordinating, planning, budgeting, materials, equipment and purchasing procedures. Additionally, students will be instructed in methods for technical drawings, advanced building techniques, and use of specialized shop tools. The format will be project and critique based, and students will work on several large, diverse projects throughout the semester.

    Prerequisites THPD*264

    Priority enrollment for Theater Design and Technology majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 459 Directing Playwriting & Production Seminar

    1.5 credits 30.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Analysis and study of contemporary practices and trends in non-performance disciplines of theatrical production, in relation to student work on senior projects and in contemplation of moving into the professional realm. Students engage in readings, discussions and writing projects dealing with their experiences to-date in their chosen field of theatrical endeavor. The course will help the student develop strength and perspective within his or her own work. Students will advise and guide one another through facilitated discussions concerning the issues that arise in practical process.

    Prerequisites THPD*461

    Corequisite Course(s): THPD*462

    Open only to DPP majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 460 Management and Production Seminar

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Analysis and study of contemporary practices and trends in non-performance disciplines of theatrical production. Students engage in readings, discussions and writing projects dealing with their experiences to-date in their chosen field of theatrical endeavor. The course may require field trips and/or attendance at special events to place current trends in larger social and practical contexts, and to help the student develop strength and perspective within his or her own work.

    Prerequisites THEA*499

    Open to Theater Management and Production majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 461 Senior Project

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Faculty-approved and supervised capstone experience in a student’s area of concentration. May be a School of Theater Arts-sponsored project or one with a reputable outside company recognized by the faculty and area professionals.

    Prerequisites Take 2 semesters of THPD*320

    Open to Applied Theater Arts and Theater Design and Technology majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 462 Senior Project

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Faculty-approved and supervised capstone experience in a student’s area of concentration. May be a School of Theater Arts-sponsored project or one with a reputable outside company recognized by the faculty and area professionals.

    Prerequisites THPD*461

    Open to Applied Theater Arts and Theater Design and Technology majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 475 Advanced Management

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This course is for the stage manager or producer who wants to expand her/his capabilities by learning production management, venue management, general management, facilities management, and company management.

    Prerequisites THPD*361

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 476 Contracts and Law

    2 credits 30.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This course explores theater from a legal perspective, and examines the contracts used between a producing organization and the following: actor, director, choreographer, designer, playwright (both rights and commissions), composer, technical employee, seasonal employee, etc. The course explores the rules and regulations of various theatrical unions, and how these rules and regulations have an impact on a producing organization. Issues of intellectual property in regard to directing, playwriting, design and choreography will be explored and discussed.

    Prerequisites THPD*262 and THPD*475

    Priority enrollment for DPP majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THPD 480 Senior Capstone Project

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Faculty-approved and supervised capstone experience in a student’s area of concentration. Projects may be a Brind school production-related assignment or an independent research-based project.

    Open to Theater Design Technology majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
  • THST 101 Acting Studio I

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    An introductory studio focusing on the fundamentals of acting including basic skills for stage communication, voice, and movement; involves centering and exercises designed to increase physical and emotional stamina, identify and strengthen technique, develop focus and concentration, and introduce the student to the demands of the theater. In the process of demystifying the craft, the student discovers the energy, power, and vulnerability of self.

    Open to Acting, Applied Theater Arts and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 102 Acting Studio II

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    An introductory studio focusing on the fundamentals of acting including basic skills for stage communication, voice, and movement; involves centering and exercises designed to increase physical and emotional stamina, identify and strengthen technique, develop focus and concentration, and introduce the student to the demands of the theater. In the process of demystifying the craft, the student discovers the energy, power, and vulnerability of self.

    Prerequisites THST*101

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
  • THST 113 Music Skills Lab

    0.5 credits 15.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Supports Music Skills I and II.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THST 114 Music Skills for Musical Theater I

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Skill training in sight reading, ear training, keyboard, and music theory, oriented to the needs of the musical theater performer. First year focuses on rudiments of notation, pitches, intervals, rhythms, and simple chords. Students learn to read from “lead sheet” notation. Examples are drawn from the musical theater repertoire. In-class exercises and drills are supplemented with computer-based instruction and keyboard lab.

    Corequisite Course(s): THST*113

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 115 Music Skills for Musical Theater II

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Skill training in sight reading, ear training, keyboard, and music theory, oriented to the needs of the musical theater performer. First year focuses on rudiments of notation, pitches, intervals, rhythms, and simple chords. Students learn to read from “lead sheet” notation. Examples are drawn from the musical theater repertoire. In-class exercises and drills are supplemented with computer-based instruction and keyboard lab.

    Prerequisites THST*108 or THST*114

    Corequisite Course(s): THST*113

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 120 Approaches to Acting: Practice and Technique

    2 credits 60.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    The Directing, Playwriting and Production student will be exposed to acting theories and techniques in order to inform and support her/his work in Directing, Playwriting and Production. All students will learn about and explore acting techniques and engage this practice through scene work. Pedagogy includes that of Stanislavski, Hagen and Donnellan. Improvisation, Voice & Speech and movement will also be explored. Through this exploration, the director, playwright and producer will gain a rich understanding and respect for the artistry of acting, as well as discover deep and useful techniques for collaborating with actors in her/his future art making.

    Prerequisites THEA*161

    Open to Theater Management and Production majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 121 Approaches to Movement: Practice and Technique

    2 credits 60.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    This course improves communication skills through effective movement training. The concepts of Body, Effort, Shape, Space, and Relationship will be explored. The work in this class will both strengthen the individual work of the theater artist and give the student a movement vocabulary that will strengthen and deepen future collaborations.

    Prerequisites THST*120

    Open only to DPP majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 125 Playreading

    1 credit 15.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    This discussion-based class will build on students’ existing knowledge of plays and musicals. Each week a different play, musical or opera will be discussed with an eye towards theatrical design and production.

    Prerequisites THEA*152

    Priority enrollment for Theater Design and Technology majors.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THST 131 Introduction to Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    The fundamentals of design for the theater including costume, lighting, and scenery. Review of the designer’s role in the production process, design requirements, and aesthetics. Emphasis on the basic principles of two-dimensional art and graphic forms through various media and study of color and color theory.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course is equated with the following courses: THST*131, THST*131
  • THST 132 Set Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    An exploration of and instruction in techniques for theatrical scenic design. This class includes lectures, individual guidance, discussions and projects investigating the aesthetic, technical, and practical problems of designing scenery for the stage. Repeatable for elective credit, with advanced projects for repeating students.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THST 133 Introduction to Design II

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    This class will expand on the material covered in Introduction to Design. More in depth exploration of the fundamentals of design for the theater including special emphasis on lighting, sound, and projection design Students will explore how the physical requirements of a play, musical libretto or score influence design choices. There will be a focus on the role that choice and style play in the creation of a design concept and the execution of design in production.

    Prerequisites THST*131

    Priority enrollment for Theater Design and Technology majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 181 Acting for Non-Majors I

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    This course introduces the non-actor to improvisation, character development, and the basic idea of action and objective in performance. The first four weeks acclimate the new actor to being expressive in a group using body and voice through improvisation, theater games, and movement; breathing and relaxation techniques are also taught. The student is introduced to script analysis and asked to write and develop monologues to create dramatic characters for performance. Grading is based on class participation and progress with the work on monologues.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 201 Acting Studio: Technique I

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    This begins a focused exploration of techniques focused in a psycho-physical acting approach, in which the students expand their imaginations, explore their impulses, and creatively integrate their bodies and voices. An emphasis on ensemble building techniques is present to strengthen cooperative skills. There is a continuous focus on text analysis used to identify given circumstances and objectives, ultimately leading to options and choices for the actor to apply in scenes from diverse 20th & 21st century playwrights.

    Prerequisites THST*102

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
  • THST 202 Acting Studio: Technique II

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    This work builds upon and deepens the exploration and application of psycho-physical techniques in Acting Studio: Technique I. Through continued focus on expanding imaginative impulses students develop a more acute integration of the voice and body for more transformative characterization. Ongoing exploration of ensemble building techniques will be used to strengthen cooperative and listening skills. Text analysis progresses with scene work that approaches heightened text.

    Prerequisites THST*201

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    Prereq. Override Available
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
  • THST 213 Advanced Music Skills Lab

    0.5 credits 15.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Supports Music Skills III and IV.

    Prerequisites THST*113

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THST 214 Music Skills for Musical Theater III

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Continued skill training in sight reading, ear training, keyboard and music theory, oriented to the needs of the musical theater performer. Examples are drawn from a wide range of musical repertoire. In-class exercises and drills are supplemented with computer-based instruction.

    Prerequisites THST*115

    Corequisite Course(s): THST*213

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 215 Music Skills for Musical Theater IV

    1.5 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Continued skill training in sight reading, ear training, keyboard and music theory, oriented to the needs of the musical theater performer. Examples are drawn from a wide range of musical repertoire. In-class exercises and drills are supplemented with computer-based instruction.

    Prerequisites THST*214

    Corequisite Course(s): THST*213

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 231 Lighting Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Procedures for lighting, with emphasis on the functions of theatrical stage lighting. Discussions and projects investigating the problems of lighting design, including electrical principles, instrumentation, color, media, equipment control, planning, and rigging. This course and its projects are studio-based in approach. Repeatable for elective credit, with advanced projects for repeating students.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    This course is equated with the following courses: TH*339, TH*431, THST*231, THST*231
  • THST 232 Costume Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Investigation of materials and principles, tools, supplies and techniques of costume design and construction, with emphasis on projects and discussions involving aesthetic, technical, and practical elements. Repeatable for elective credit, with advanced projects for repeating students.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THST 235 Projection Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This course will explore the usefulness and application of projection design in contemporary theatre, dance, and opera. Students will develop a vocabulary to discuss projections with directors, fellow designers, and producers. Students will have hands on opportunities to discuss, develop, and design for multiple projects in class. This course requires students to complete assignments on design ideas, research, pre-visualization, system design, and content creation. The goal of the course is to have a fundamental knowledge of projection design and the ability to discuss and determine its value in the design palette.

    Priority enrollment for Theater Design and Technology majors.
    Requires completion of 12 credits.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THST 250 Director/Design Collaboration

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An exploration of the designer - director relationship in theater or film work. The course develops skills in collaboration and communication and provides models for effective director - designer production practices. Collaboration skills will be enhanced through practical work on a series of individual and group projects.

    Prerequisites THPD*261 or FIDE*101

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 251 Musical Theater Making

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Possibly the best way to understand how musicals work is to create one. This course is a creative and collaborative studio in which students explore musicals through songwriting, playwriting, listening, and critical engagement with musical forms past and present. Much of the course focuses on songwriting, analysis of lyrics, collaboration, and song forms and musical gestures as storytelling tools. The class is open to any type of theater maker and requires weekly creative output.

    Prerequisites COMP*102, COMP*102D, COMP*102E, COMP*112, or COMP*112H

    Priority enrollment for Musical Theater and DPP majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 275 Lab Hours

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    The student will be brought into the classroom to perform in exercises, improvisations, scenes, etc. in support of curriculum. Performances in courses include, but are not limited to, Directing/Playwriting/Production and School of Film courses.

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
    Pass/fail grading only.
  • THST 278 Production Hours

    1 credit 60.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Students will be involved in the rehearsal and performance of a production within the Brind School in their sophomore year. Involvement includes, but is not limited to, performance in the main Brind School production season, student produced work, or departmentally supported workshop productions.

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
    Pass/fail grading only.
  • THST 281 Acting for Non-Majors II

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    This second course in the sequence is designed specifically for those students who have completed Acting for Non-Majors I and is primarily devoted to technical training. Students will gain a sense of conversational reality in which they will strengthen their imaginations, responsiveness, spontaneity, and range of emotions.

    Prerequisites THST*120 or THST*181 with a grade of B or better

    Not open to Musical Theater majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 301 Acting Studio: Technique III

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Studies in advanced acting. Further development of performance technique as it relates to the rehearsal process. Special emphasis given to clarity of behavior, characterization, action, and objective. Scene work used as a means of gauging the actor’s ability to apply studio work to text.

    Prerequisites THST*202

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 302 Acting Studio: Poetic Realism

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Exploration of scene study methods as they apply to dramatic works by such playwrights as Williams, O’Neill, Isben, Strindberg, Wilde, Checkhov, Synge, O’Casey, and further development of actor’s attention to and application of behavioral specificity.

    Prerequisites THST*202

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
  • THST 323 Musical Theater Styles: Solos and Scenes

    2 credits 30.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    A two-semester sequence designed to introduce students representative musical theatre genres and styles and prepare them to perform successfully in them. Fall semester genres include: Comic opera and operetta; vaudeville and early musical comedy; ‘Standards’ of the 20’s and 30’s; Rodgers and Hammerstein ‘Musical Play.’ Incorporates components of THST 321: Musical Theater Repertory and THVC 321: MT Performances: Styles I

    Prerequisites THVC*222

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
  • THST 324 Musical Theater Styles: Solos and Scenes II

    2 credits 30.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    A two-semester sequence designed to introduce students representative musical theatre genres and styles and prepare them to perform successfully in them. Second semester of course includes: Brechtian musical theater; Broadway opera and the Euromusical; rock musicals; and contemporary experimental music theater. Incorporates components of THST 322: Musical Theater Repertory II and THVC 322: MT Performances-Styles II.

    Prerequisites THST*323

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
  • THST 326 Advanced Costume Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This class will delve into the specifics of costume design for performance. The format will be project and critique based. Students will work on several large, diverse projects throughout the semester, completing each phase of the costume design process. The class will focus special attention on script analysis and generating ideas at the outset of a creative collaboration. Additionally, students will be instructed in methods for costume rendering, detail drawings, swatching, sourcing, and patterning.

    Prerequisites THST*232

    Priority enrollment for Theater Design and Technology majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 329 Advanced Set Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This class will delve into the specifics of set design for live performance and build upon the material from THST*132: Set Design. Students will work on several large, diverse projects throughout the semester, completing each phase of the set design process. The class will focus special attention on script analysis and generating ideas at the outset of a creative collaboration. Continued development of communication ideas through research and models will be emphasized. Additionally, students will be instructed in the standards and details of generating complete scenic drafting packages either by hand or using Vectorworks drafting techniques.

    Prerequisites THST*132

    Priority enrollment for Theater Design and Technology majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 330 Design Technology Seminar

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This seminar-style class is designed as a forum for considering challenges and concepts facing advanced design and technology students. Course deals with advanced design concepts and applications in the various theatrical fora, including dance, opera, ballet, and musical theater. Solutions are sought through the collaborative process with costume, lighting, scene design, and theater tech students arriving at conceptual treatments and visualizations.

    Prerequisites THPD*264

    Open to Theater Design Technology majors only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THST 331 Sound Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Fundamental procedures for sound creation and reproduction, with emphasis on the function and practice of theatrical sound design. Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and projects investigating the problems of sound design for the stage, including sound production, modification, amplification, balance, instrumentation, character of sound, media, equipment control, planning and rigging in stage space, and working with stage management to set cues for the live performances.

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THST 332 Design Technology Seminar

    2 credits 30.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This seminar-style class is designed as a forum for considering challenges and concepts facing advanced design and technology students. Course deals with advanced design concepts and applications in the various theatrical fora, including dance, opera, ballet, and musical theater. Solutions are sought through the collaborative process with costume, lighting, scene design, and theater tech students arriving at conceptual treatments and visualizations.

    Prerequisites Complete 3 courses from THPD*264, THST*132, THST*231, THST*232, THST*235, or THST*331

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THST 333 Design Technology Master Class

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    A senior level studio design course providing advanced instruction in scenic, costume, lighting, sound, and technical design. Students will complete in-depth investigations of plays, musicals, dance, or film projects through comprehensive paper projects that will be critiqued by design faculty. This course offers the opportunity to build upon the foundations of the introductory design courses while investigating specialized production problems and challenges. This class is meant to serve as the final design studio in the major. It may be taken after or concurrently with the other design studio classes.

    Prerequisites THST*332

    Open to Theater Design Technology majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 335 Advanced Projection Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This class will delve into the specifics of theatrical projection design for live performance. The format will be project and critique based. Students will work on several large, diverse projects throughout the semester, completing each phase of the projection design process. The class will focus special attention on script analysis and generating ideas at the outset of a creative collaboration. Students will explore methods for content creation and manipulation, system design and technology, and cueing structures, and will be instructed in the standard of projection paperwork and drafting.

    Prerequisites THST*235

    Priority enrollment for Theater Design and Technology majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 341 Acting on Camera

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    Designed for acting students who want to gain knowledge and experience in acting for film and television, the primary market in the entertainment industry. Sessions give each participant a hands-on experience in acting for the camera. The actors are able to see and evaluate each other’s film work during a special screening session at the end of the course.

    Prerequisites THST*202

    Open to Acting majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 344 Audition Techniques

    2 credits 30.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This course focuses on the skills necessary to audition successfully for theater, film, and television. Topics include cold readings, monologues, television commercials, and dealing with agents and casting directors.

    Prerequisites THST*302 or THST*361

    Open to Acting and Applied Theater Arts majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 351 Advanced Musical Theater Making

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This class will challenge each student to generate a full length musical, song cycle or play with music over the course of the semester. Through weekly creative output and critique students will hone their songwriting and dramaturgical skills. The course will focus on musical and dramatic form and explore advanced musical and textual concepts such as odd meter, structured improvisation, rhyme analysis, advanced chord relationships, counterpoint, and orchestration. The class culminates in a public presentation of individual projects.

    Prerequisites THST*251

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
  • THST 355 Advanced Lighting Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This class will delve into the specifics of lighting design for performance. The format will be project and critique based. Students will work on several large, diverse projects throughout the semester, completing each phase of the lighting process. The class will focus special attention on script analysis and generating ideas at the outset of a creative collaboration. Additionally, students will be instructed in the standards and details of generating lighting paperwork, as well as Vectorworks drafting techniques.

    Prerequisites THST*231

    Priority enrollment for Theater Design and Technology majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 361 Directing I

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    An introduction to the art directing. Through hands-on work, directors will develop their unique artistic imaginations and collaborative leadership styles. Students will begin to learn: the relationship between form and content, the process of interpretation, the larger social impact of their work as storytellers, and the ability to clearly communicate their vision. This class is a studio that will explore production preparation, scene work, text analysis, exercises and provide critical feedback.

    Prerequisites THEA*161 or THST*202

    Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 375 Production Hours

    1 credit 60.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    The student will be involved in the rehearsal and performance of a production within the Brind School in their junior year. Involvement includes, but is not limited to, performance in the main Brind School production season, student produced work, or departmentally supported workshop productions.

    Acting & Musical Theater majors only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
    Pass/fail grading only.
  • THST 385 Advanced Sound Design

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    300 level undergraduate course

    This class will delve into the specifics of theatrical sound design for live performance. The format will be project and critique based. Students will work on several large, diverse projects throughout the semester, completing each phase of the sound design process. The class will focus special attention on script analysis and generating ideas at the outset of a creative collaboration. Students will explore methods for content creation and manipulation, system design and technology, and cueing structures, and will be instructed in the standard of sound paperwork and drafting.

    Prerequisites THST*331

    Priority enrollment for Theater Design and Technology majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 401 Acting Studio: Verse Drama I

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    Integrated voice and performance work on period scenes and monologues. Material to be covered includes Greek and Restoration.

    Prerequisites THST*302

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
  • THST 403 Improvisation for the Actor

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    The course is designed to build the students foundational skills in improvisation and apply those skills in games and scene work. There will be a focus on students developing stronger connection to their creative impulses and increasing their ability to make bold, committed choices. Through exercises and explorations in spacework, character development, and ensemble, students will refine their storytelling. Students will learn how to generate information through teamwork, physical action, character, heightening circumstances, emotional adjustments, active listening, and the important, vital skill of saying yes.

    Prerequisites THST*202

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    Pass/fail grading only.
  • THST 440 New Play Workshop

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This course hosts professional playwrights who have new plays currently in development in order to establish and advance the new script development skills of directors, playwrights, and managers. Students, along with their professor, develop a plan to optimally develop and workshop the visiting professional’s scripts and then act upon their plan. Students then give the professional playwright(s) feedback about both their work and the process of their workshop/development. In this course, students learn how to workshop as a director, playwright/dramaturg, and manager. Students interface with mid-career professional playwrights. It is a studio class that cultivates and explores the collaborative relationships among playwrights, directors, actors, managers, and dramaturgs. New scripts are developed through innovative workshops, exercises, and staging. Important questions are asked about what each new script needs in order for it to reach its full artistic potential.

    Prerequisites THEA*152

    Priority enrollment to Theater Management and Production majors. Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 442 Acting on Camera II

    1 credit 30.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This course moves from the classroom to the film set with practical application of the skills acquired in Acting on Camera I. Using all of their subsequent training, students will arrive to set fully prepared to shoot a scene and fulfill their responsibilities in front of the camera. While classmates shoot their scenes students also learn responsibilities of work behind the camera, such as crewing, script supervising, and assistant directing. When shooting wraps students will then assist in the post production process of editing the footage and creating the final project. The final edited scene will then be given a screening.

    Prerequisites THST*341

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THST 450 Contemporary Scene Study

    3 credits 90.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This is an advanced scene study studio for actors focusing on the contemporary American playwrights and theatre makers shaping 21st century drama. The course is designed to familiarize actors with their work while further honing rehearsal and performance technique under the tutelage of a professional director. The plays will be read and researched; appropriate scenes will be selected, rehearsed and presented within the studio structure. The crucial building block of the process will be the notion of ‘action’ through which the actor makes strong imaginative and specific choices appropriate to the world of the play.

    Prerequisites THST*302

    Open to majors in the School of Theater only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 451 Voice Acting

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    A detailed program of vocal production work designed to introduce the student to the voice-over business: the audition procedures and techniques required to gain and maintain employment in the field of commercial, industrial and animation voice overs. The curriculum includes an in depth study of voice preparation and characterization, text analysis, cold readings and microphone technique. The course will also include discussion of independent contacting, representation, and Union requirements.

    Prerequisites THVC*212

    Priority enrollment for Acting majors.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
  • THST 461 Directing II

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This course continues the work of Directing I. An in-depth studio that further develops the student artist’s directorial interpretation, leadership style and personal artistic point of view. Through work on scenes that both instructors and students select, student directors will work with actors to develop the skills necessary to work collaboratively in pursuit of their vision.

    Prerequisites THST*361

    Priority enrollment to Theater Management and Production majors. Open to Majors in School of Theatre Arts Only
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 462 Directing III

    3 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This course continues the work of Directing II. An in-depth studio that further develops the student artist’s interpretation, leadership style and personal artistic point of view. Student directors work on challenging scenes that push them to new discoveries and a deeper articulation of their point of view.

    Prerequisites THST*461

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THST 463 Director’s Workshop

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    This course is an advanced studio in directing and deeply explores the interpreting different kinds of theater each semester.

    Prerequisites THST*462

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit
  • THST 475 Production Hours

    1 credit 60.0 hours
    400 level undergraduate course

    The student will be involved in the rehearsal and performance of a production within the Brind School in their senior year. Involvement includes, but is not limited to, performance in the main Brind School production season, student produced work, or departmentally supported workshop productions.

    Acting & Musical Theater majors only.
    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
    This course requires permission by the offering program office.
    Pass/fail grading only.
  • THVC 111 Voice and Speech for Actors I

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Linklater exercises are the basis of a course designed to help the student find his/her natural voice and to integrate body, breathing, voice, thought and feeling into expression through speech. The student is given a practical understanding of the voice and how it works. Tensions that inhibit primary impulses are uncovered and dismantled. The function of the articulators is studied and they are examined for blocks and exercised for release.

    Open to Acting majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 112 Voice and Speech for Actors II

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Linklater exercises are the basis of a course designed to help the student find his/her natural voice and to integrate body, breathing, voice, thought and feeling into expression through speech. The student is given a practical understanding of the voice and how it works. Tensions that inhibit primary impulses are uncovered and dismantled. The function of the articulators is studied and they are examined for blocks and exercised for release.

    Prerequisites THST*101 and THVC*111

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 121 Musical Theater Performance: Introduction

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Introduction to the fundamentals of vocal technique, vocal anatomy, and vocal performance for the musical stage. Examination of various styles used in the musical theater, past and present.

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 122 Musical Theater Performance: Foundation

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Introduction to the fundamentals of vocal technique, vocal anatomy, and vocal performance for the musical stage. Examination of various styles used in the musical theater, past and present.

    Prerequisites THVC*121

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 131 Voice Lesson for Musical Theater

    1 credit 7.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Individual (and, occasionally, small group) instruction in vocal techniques appropriate for the musical theater, culminating in a jury examination each semester.

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 132 Voice Lesson for Musical Theater

    1 credit 7.5 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    Individual (and, occasionally, small group) instruction in vocal techniques appropriate for the musical theater, culminating in a jury examination each semester.

    Open to Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 141 Vocal Health and Habilitation

    1 credit 15.0 hours
    100 level undergraduate course

    This course provides a basic understanding of how the voice works when either speaking or singing. Topics of consideration will include the anatomy and physiology of the vocal mechanism and its specialized subsystems of respiration, phonation, resonance, and articulation. Common vocal problems and viable solutions will also be identified and discussed. Preventive voice care will be examined with a focus on designing a personal voice care maintenance plan that will ensure the preservation of the physical and mental aspects of voice use in both training and performance.

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 210 Voice for Actors Lab

    0 credits 22.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Lab work designed to strengthen techniques learned in THVC 211 & 212 Voice and Speech for Actors.

    Prerequisites THVC*211

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THVC 211 Voice and Speech for Actors III

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Practical training in speech for the stage. Emphasis on articulation and eliminating regionalisms. Through the course of the year, each student is expected to achieve a high degree of proficiency in General American Pronunciation by developing a working knowledge of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Resonance, placement, and range are developed. Particular attention is paid to ending consonants, equating length of thought and length of breath and key wording.

    Prerequisites THVC*112 or THVC*132, and THST*102

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 212 Voice and Speech for Actors IV

    2 credits 45.0 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Practical training in speech for the stage. Emphasis on articulation and eliminating regionalisms. Through the course of the year, each student is expected to achieve a high degree of proficiency in General American Pronunciation by developing a working knowledge of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Resonance, placement, and range are developed. Particular attention is paid to ending consonants, equating length of thought and length of breath and key wording.

    Prerequisites THST*201 and THVC*211

    Open to Acting and Musical Theater majors only.
    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 213 Voice for Actors Lab

    0.5 credits 22.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Lab work designed to strengthen techniques learned in THVC 211 & 212 Voice and Speech for Actors.

    Prerequisites THVC*112

    Corequisite Course(s): THVC*211 or THVC*212

    This course may be completed 2 times for credit.
  • THVC 221 Musical Theater Performance: Principles of Singing Acting I

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    An exploration of the fundamental principles of singing acting. Students learn to practice making expressive behavioral choices in face, body and voice while singing. Technique is developed through exercises and repertoire study. Song analysis is taught as a tool to identify the most productive opportunities for behavioral choice-making.

    Prerequisites THVC*122

    This course is not repeatable for credit.
  • THVC 222 Musical Theater Performance: Principles of Singing Acting II

    1 credit 22.5 hours
    200 level undergraduate course

    Continued exploration of procedures for making expressive behavioral choices in face, body and voice while singing. Application in scene work (duets) as well as solo singing. Specificity, authenticity, variety and intensity of behavioral choice-making are pursued through exercises and repertoire study.

    Prerequisites THVC*221

    This course is not repeatable for credit.

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