Feb 07, 2025  
2008-2009 University Catalog 
2008-2009 University Catalog [Archived Catalogue]

Academic Standards


Academic Intervention and Student Success


The University employs a multi-faceted strategy to help promote student success.

This strategy includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Clear statements of academic requirements and expectations within each course, each major, and the University as a whole can be found on course syllabi, in the University catalog, and each student’s degree audit.
  • Questions about any requirements or expectations should be raised directly with the student’s instructor, advisor or department director/chair. The College/Division Deans Offices are also an excellent source of additional information or clarification on these matters.
  • Please refer to the University Catalog’s section on Policies and Procedures for Enrolled Students for the full listings of policies that govern issues such as minimum course grades, attendance requirements, and withdrawal from a course or program.
  • Direct communication between the instructor and the student may be conducted through individual meetings (both informal and scheduled), in-class conversations, telephone calls, comments on returned papers and projects, email, and use of the course space in Sakai. Therefore, it is essential that all students regularly use and check their UArts email accounts, the Sakai site for each course in which they are enrolled, and keep their contact information up to date. Faculty publish their contact information and any scheduled office hours on their syllabi. Students are also encouraged to contact faculty through their departmental offices.
  • Mid-semester Progress Reports. Undergraduate students who are designated members of the Academic Achievement Program, or who are already on Academic Warning, and all students taking LACR 007,008,009, 100, 101,102 (ESL and First-Year Writing) are evaluated during the semester by their instructors. These reports are shared with their advisors and the Associate Dean of Students. The information collected will be used to help identify and conduct outreach to students who would benefit from interventions such as tutoring, counseling, or a change in schedule.
  • Deficiency Notices. In the event that a student is not performing well at any point of the semester in a particular course, the instructor is advised to send a deficiency notice to the student, which will be copied to the student’s advisor and their college dean.
  • Academic Caution.  Academic Caution (AC) is a written notification of a student’s need to improve his/her academic performance and is not considered formal censure. The AC letter provides suggestions or requirements that are aimed at improving performance and preventing future Warnings or eventual dismissal. Please see the full description in the following section on Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Review.

Undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirements:

Undergraduate Cumulative Grade-Point Average Requirements:

Students in all programs must maintain a minimum semester and cumulative GPA of 2.0. In some programs students must also satisfy minimum grade requirements in major coursework. (Please refer to the department sections of this catalog for more specific information on minimum grade requirements for certain majors.) In all undergraduate programs, a cumulative GPA of 2.0 is required in order to graduate.

Graduate Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirements:

A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for good standing and for graduation for graduate students. If a student is unable to achieve a semester and cumulative GPA of 3.0, he or she will be placed on Academic Warning by the Academic Review Committee of his or her college. If a 3.0 GPA and/or other conditions imposed by the ARC are not attained by the following semester, the student may be dismissed from the program. While on Warning, a student will be ineligible to hold a graduate assistantship or to receive a University supplemental grant-in-aid or scholarship. In some programs students must also satisfy earn a minimum grade of “B” in major coursework. (Please refer to the department sections of this catalog for more specific information on minimum grade requirements for certain majors.)

Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Review

Academic Review is a process by which the Academic Review Committee (ARC), comprised of University faculty and staff charged with supporting student success, review the performance of students who are considered to be in academic jeopardy, where students may not be capable of maintaining academic success without intervention. It is the duty of the committee to determine appropriate forms of intervention and/or formal warnings for students in academic jeopardy. The Committee, in accordance with University policy, evaluates the records of such students, determines whether or not to issue formal warnings, gives benchmarks for progress in order to assist their return to good standing, and, when appropriate, dismisses students. The determination of academic jeopardy is made by the ARC on a case-by-case basis according to specific criteria defined below. Inadequate progress in the pursuit of degree requirements and multiple semesters resulting in academic warnings are criteria for additional censure. Actions taken will become more severe with each warning, up to and including dismissal..

Definitions of Class Level:

A student’s class level is determined by the number of credits earned, regardless of the number of semesters of enrollment or the student’s standing in his or her major program. Students are considered:

•    In the first year of study if they have completed 29.5 credits.
•    In the second year of study if they have completed between 30 and 59.5 credits.
•    In the third year of study if they have completed between 60 and 89.5 credits.
•    In the fourth year of study if they have completed 90 or more credits.

Academic Caution

In keeping with the University’s commitment to supporting student success, Academic Caution (AC) is a written notification of a student’s need to improve his/her academic performance and is not a formal censure. The AC may provide suggestions or requirements that are aimed at improving performance and preventing future warnings.
Undergraduate students may be placed on AC for any of the following reasons:

•    Failure to meet the minimum grade requirements in specified courses(s) for the first time.
•    Semester or Cumulative GPA is less than 2.25 but greater than 1.74 in the first year of study.
•    Semester or Cumulative GPA is less than 2.25 but greater than 1.99 in subsequent years of study.
Students placed on Academic Caution who, in the following semester, do not successfully meet the requirements stated by the ARC in the academic caution letter risk a formal warning.

Students with Incomplete Grades (I)

When students take an Incomplete (I) their semester and cumulative GPA is calculated without the I grade factored in, thus producing a temporary GPA that may later be raised or lowered, depending on the final grade and its impact on the GPA.  Students who have taken one or more Incompletes (I), but, by virtue of their low GPA, appear to warrant review by the Academic Review Committee, will be issued an Academic Caution letter. In the event that it is clear to the committee that the anticipated grade, regardless of its outcome, cannot effectively raise the student’s cumulative and or semester GPA significantly enough to avoid academic warnings or dismissal, then the student will be formally warned or dismissed in accordance with the policies noted in this catalog.

Students who receive an Incomplete must be aware that classes where an Incomplete has been taken cannot be counted as Progress Toward Degree for financial aid purposes. Thus, students who take Incompletes into the next semester will not be eligible for financial aid until successful grades for those classes are posted to their transcript, unless they seek and are granted an appeal from the Office of Financial Aid.  

When the student completes the form to request the Incomplete, they can also request an appeal for Continuation of Aid simply by signing the Request for Appeal section of the form. This effectively requests that the information on the form be shared with the Office of Financial Aid as an official appeal for Continuation of Financial Assistance.  

Please note that the appeal is not automatically granted, and the Office of Financial Aid will notify the student via his/her UArts email account once the appeal has been considered and a decision rendered. Additionally, students who receive such appeals must remember that financial aid may be jeopardized mid-semester in the event that the Incomplete is not ultimately converted to passing or satisfactory grade.

Students should refer to policies on Grades of Incomplete in the section of the catalog.

Academic Censure (First and Final Warning)

The Academic Review Committee (ARC), in accordance with University policy, will formally warn students as follows:
First Warning:
Semester or Cumulative GPA in the first year of study is less than 1.75 and greater than 1.49
Semester GPA in the second or third year of study is less than 2.0 and greater than 1.49
Cumulative GPA in the second year is less than 2.0 and greater than1.75
Semester GPA in the fourth year of study is less than 2.0 and greater than 1.749

Final Warning:
Semester or Cumulative GPA in the first year of study is greater than 0.99 and less than 1.5
Semester GPA in the second or third year of study is greater than 0.99 and less than 1.5
Semester GPA in the fourth year of study is greater than 0.99 and less than 1.75
Cumulative GPA in the second year of study is greater than 1.49 and less than 1.75
Cumulative GPA in the third year of study is greater than 1.49 and less than 2.0
Cumulative GPA in the fourth year of study is greater than 1.749 and less than 2.0
Students who receive a First or Final Warning remain in good standing. Warnings are issued to alert the student that his/her academic performance is not meeting the University’s standards, and if not corrected, may result in dismissal or the inability to graduate as planned. In order to help improve the student’s academic performance, the ARC will normally place specific requirements on students in addition to those stated on the degree audit. These requirements may include repeating courses, meeting with advisors, limiting the number of credits taken in a given semester, and/or tutoring. Students placed on First or Final Warning receive a letter from the dean’s office of their college communicating the terms and conditions of the decision of the Academic Review Committee.



The Academic Review Committee will also move to dismiss students:

After a semester or cumulative GPA in any year of study that is less than 1.0.
When the cumulative GPA in the second or third year of study is less than 1.5
When the cumulative GPA in the fourth year of study is less than 1.75

The ARC may also choose to dismiss a student who was previously placed on First or Final Warning, if the student’s performance has not sufficiently improved, and/or the student failed to adhere to the requirements stated in the ARC’s warning letter. Students who were placed on Probation prior to Fall 2008 may similarly be subject to dismissal. Grades below required minimums in major coursework will also be a factor in the ARC’s decision.

While Academic Dismissal is a harsh sanction, the ARC is obligated to dismiss students whose academic performance suggests an inability to complete the degree. Students who are being dismissed will receive a Letter of Dismissal from the office of the dean of their college; the letter shall include guidelines for appeal. Any student whose appeal of dismissal is granted and who is permitted to continue as an enrolled student will automatically be placed on Final Warning until the stated conditions are met, and will not be eligible to appeal future dismissals.

Any student who is dismissed may appeal that decision to the ARC which, for the purpose of hearing the appeal will now include the dean of the college. All dismissal letters stipulate the process and timetable for registering the appeal.  Prior to the hearing, the student must deliver a written request (via hard copy or email from the student’s UArts email account) in which the appeal is formally requested. Students are expected to arrive at the appeal with a letter for the ARC that articulates the causes of the student’s poor performance, and a personal strategy for improved performance should the dismissal be revoked. The assistant or associate dean of the student’s college is available to help the student understand what might be successful grounds for an appeal.

Following the appeals hearing, the ARC will either change the student’s status to Final Warning or uphold the recommendation for dismissal. A letter from the dean of the college will be provided in a timely manner to announce the committee’s judgment. Any student who wishes to contest a continued decision of dismissal must appeal directly to the Provost of The University. If he or she agrees that dismissal is warranted, that decision is final.

Academic Warning and Financial Aid

As noted above, students who receive academic warnings remain in good standing, but their weak academic performance may nonetheless have financial aid ramifications. Please refer to the of this catalog for more specific information.

Disciplinary Dismissals


In addition to Academic Dismissal, the University may dismiss students for disciplinary reasons. In such cases, students will automatically receive the grade of “W” for all classes in which they were enrolled at the time of dismissal. For more information on disciplinary action, please refer to the Student Code of Conduct  section in this catalog.


Academic Grievance Procedure Including Requests for a Change of Grade


Students who have a concern or grievance regarding any academic matter, other than actions taken by the Academic Review Committee, may use the following process to address those concerns. If the concern or grievance is directly related to actions taken by the Academic Review Committee, please submit a letter of grievance directly to the Office of the Provost.

Grievances must be submitted no later than the end of the seventh week of the semester following the one in which the cause of the grievance occurred. This deadline has been set to allow time for the resolution of incomplete grades from the previous semester in accordance with the policies noted elsewhere in this catalog. Please also note that requests for a change of grade from students who have graduated must adhere to the guidelines noted at the end of this section.

In the event that the student feels the need for a neutral advocate, the student may request the assistance of any staff member of the University at any stage of the grievance process. Please note, however, that the student is strongly encouraged to discuss their choice of a staff member with the Vice President for Student Affairs, Dean of Students.

  1. Students who have a concern or grievance regarding an academic matter are encouraged to discuss their concern directly with the instructor.
  2. If they are not comfortable presenting their concern in person, or are not satisfied with the outcome of the discussion, they should submit their grievance in writing to the instructor, and send a copy to the chair/director of the department in which the instructor teaches, and the dean of the college.
  3. The instructor must respond, in writing, to the student within 20 business days from the date in which a grievance is received. In the case of a grievance filed during winter, spring, or summer breaks, the clock will stop until the first day of the regular academic calendar. The department Chair/Director or Dean of Liberal Arts is available for consultation by either the student or the faculty member, and must be copied on the instructor’s response. The chair/director/Dean of Liberal Arts has the right to forward the concern to the Office of the Dean (or the Associate Provost in the case of the Dean of Liberal Arts) should he/she conclude that either the student or instructor’s concerns warrant further review or intervention.
  4. If the student believes that his/her concern requires further attention, he/she may submit the matter in writing to the Office of the Dean of the college in which the course is offered, or to the Office of the Provost in regards to an issue emerging from a Liberal Arts course.
  5. The Dean (Associate Provost for Liberal Arts’ cases) must either rule on the case or charge an Academic Grievance Committee within 10 business days. If the Office of the Dean (or Associate Provost) does not wish to rule on the matter, he/she may convene an Academic Grievance Committee to review the concern. The composition of the Academic Grievance Committee is determined by the Dean (Associate Provost in Liberal Arts’ cases.
  6. As a last resort, the Office of the Dean/(Associate Provost in Liberal Arts’ cases) and/or the student may forward concerns to the Office of the Provost for final resolution.

Change of Grade

An instructor may change a grade only if an error occurred in computing or recording the final grade, or if re-evaluation of previously submitted work is warranted. Extra work, beyond that required of other class members during the period when the class met, or work handed in after the completion of the course, may not be offered as reasons for a grade change, except in instances of replacing a grade of Incomplete .

If a student questions the correctness of a grade, the student should address his/her concern in accordance with the Academic Grievance Procedures listed above. Any change of a final grade may be made only by the course instructor, who must personally submit the signed Change of Grade form, including the signature of the academic dean, to the Office of the Registrar no later than the end of the semester following the one in which the grade was given.

Please note that graduated students who wish to seek a change of grade or file an academic grievance must do so no later than three days after the last grades required to fulfill degree requirements are posted.


Academic Integrity


Academic Integrity is a commitment to the core values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility and their role in ensuring the health and vigor of the academic and creative community. Please note that students are encouraged to contact their instructors and/or the University librarians for guidance in maintaining academic integrity in their work.

Violations of Academic Integrity

Violations of academic integrity are considered to be acts of academic dishonesty and include (but are not limited to) cheating, plagiarizing, fabrication, denying others access to information or material, and facilitating academic dishonesty, and are subject to the policies and procedures noted within this catalog, including the Student Code of Conduct and the Student Judicial System. Please note that lack of knowledge of citation procedures, for example, is an unacceptable explanation for plagiarism, as is having studied together to produce remarkably similar papers or creative works submitted separately by two students.

Process for Addressing Violations of Academic Integrity

If an instructor suspects a student of any violation of academic integrity, the following process is to be followed:

  1. After an initial consultation with the Chair/Director/Dean of Liberal Arts where the infraction is identified and its seriousness assessed, the instructor must address the situation with the student, either in writing or in person. After having addressed the situation with the student, the instructor shall determine an appropriate course of action within his/her purview as a member of the teaching faculty. (Please refer to the “Sanctions” section of this policy for possible actions to be taken in such cases.)
  2. In the case of Assignment Sanctions (see below), the instructor may submit a written summary as outlined above if s/he deems it to be warranted.
  3. In the case of Course Sanctions (see below), the instructor must prepare and submit a written summary of the infraction and its penalties to the department chair/director/dean of Liberal Arts of the department (in which the course was taught), to the students, and to the Associate Provost, who will have a copy placed in the student’s confidential Judicial Record.
  4. In cases where either the Associate Provost or the instructor determines that the offense merits consideration by the Campus Standards Committee, the instructor works in conjunction with the Associate Provost to formally refer the case to the Campus Standards Committee.

After consulting with the department chair/director/Dean of Liberal Arts, it is up to the instructor to determine how serious the offense is (based upon her/his academic standards and expectations) as it relates to the sanctions to be imposed within his or her course. Both the Associate Provost and the instructor have the right to determine whether the offense warrants advancement to the Campus Standards Committee. The Associate Provost must be kept apprised by the instructor of all actions taken. If it is judged that a student has violated the university’s standards for academic integrity, sanctions may include but are not limited to:

Assignment Sanctions:

  1. Repeating the assignment or completing an additional assignment (Please note that when sanctions are imposed in this manner, students become ineligible for an Incomplete or a Withdrawal from the course in which the sanctions are imposed if it is pursued as a result of the sanction.); or
  2. Failure of the assignment with no opportunity to repeat it. No points will be earned for the assignment (that is, an F will equal a “0”).

Course Sanctions:

  1. Issuance of a warning or verbal reprimand with a written description of the interaction by the instructor. Copies of such reprimands must be kept by the instructor, and submitted to the Office of the Provost who will forward copies to the Student’s Judicial File and the student;
  2. Failure of the class; or
  3. Referral to the Campus Standards Committee for possible actions that may include but are not limited to suspension, dismissal or expulsion. Such referral is likely in extreme or repeated cases involving a violation of academic integrity.

Appeals Procedure:

Students who wish to appeal the instructor’s sanction(s) should follow the procedure as outlined in the above under the Academic Policies section, “Academic Grievances.”

Students who wish to appeal the decision of the Campus Standards Committee should follow the procedure outlined in the “Student Judicial System  ” section of this catalog.

Notice of Deficiency

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Instructors are strongly encouraged to advise a student of unsatisfactory performance in the course with a Notice of Deficiency. Unsatisfactory performance may be based on excessive absences; inappropriate or inadequate classroom participation; the quality of work submitted, performed, or created for the class; or the outcome of exams or other assignments given by the instructor either in class or as listed on the syllabus. Deficiency notices are copied to the student’s advisor and the Office of the Dean of the College in which the student is enrolled.

Deficiency notices may be sent at any point in the semester.

Once a deficiency notice has been received, a student is expected to follow the instruction/s noted on the form, and is strongly encouraged to meet with his/her instructor and advisor as soon after receiving the deficiency notice as possible.

Dean’s List

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This list is compiled each semester in the respective deans’ offices. The Dean’s List honors those undergraduate students who have met the following criteria:

  1. Students are full-time undergraduate degree candidates. Candidates for certificate, diploma, and master’s degrees are not eligible.
  2. A minimum semester GPA of 3.60.
  3. No grade lower than a “B” in any course.
  4. No grade of “I” or “F” in any course.
  5. Enrolled in at least 12 credits for a letter grade.

Participation in Commencement Exercises


This informaiton can be found in the Graduation Requirements section 

Graduation with Honors

This information can be found in the Graduation Requirements section 

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