Sep 27, 2024  
2009-2010 University Catalog 
2009-2010 University Catalog [Archived Catalogue]


Course Renumbering

Commencing with the 2013-14 academic year the University began a multi-year course renumbering.  For additional information visit the Course Renumbering page on the Office of the Registrar website.

Renumbered Course List 

  • Division of Liberal Arts
    Many courses within the Division of Liberal Arts commencing with the Summer and Fall 2014 terms will be offered under new course numbers.  Students registering for Summer 2014 coursework and beyond will do so using the new course numbers.


  • LALL 803 - German I

    One-year course of basic grammar. The aim of the course is to develop reading, writing, and conversing skills of the first-year German student. Formerly HU 131A

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 804 - German I

    One-year course of basic grammar. The aim of the course is to develop reading, writing, and conversing skills of the German student. Formerly HU 131B

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 805 - Italian I

    This course covers conversation about everyday Italian life and culture and basic grammar through reading of Italian prose. Formerly HU 132A

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 806 - Italian I

    This course covers conversation about everyday Italian life and culture and basic grammar through reading of Italian prose. Formerly HU 132B

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 807 - Spanish I

    This introduction to Spanish is open to students who have had little to no previous Spanish language experience. In this course, the fundamentals of Spanish grammar, pronunciation and Spanish culture are introduced. Students will develop listening comprehension, speaking and writing skills. Emphasis on conversational Spanish.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 808 - Spanish II

    Spanish II is the continuation of Spanish I. It is open to students who have had Spanish I or equivalent high school experience.  In this course, the fundamentals of Spanish grammar, pronunciation and Spanish culture are further developed. Students will improve listening comprehension, speaking and writing skills. Emphasis on conversational Spanish.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR102, LALL 807 or permission from the department.

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 811 - Western Literary Masterpieces I Ancient to Medieval

    Works from antiquity through the Middle Ages that form the foundation of Western literature. Focuses on the creation of character, the structure and form of the works and the perspectives and values they reveal. Examines the questions asked by different cultures and how human potential, fate, and reality are defined. Formerly HU 320A

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 812 - Western Literary Masterpieces II Renaissance to Neoclassical

    Works from the Renaissance through the Neoclassical period that form the foundation of Western Literature. Focuses on the creation of character, on structure and form, but also on tone (humor, parody, satire, and irony) and the perspectives and the values that the works reveal. Formerly HU 320B

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 821 - Lyric Poetry

    A survey of lyric poetry, with particular emphasis on a single period or a group of poets, e.g., Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Wallace Stevens, Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Plath, and the English Romantics. Formerly HU 201

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 822 - Haiku: Classical to Contemporary

    A survey of Haiku poetry from its development in Japan to its influence on American and world poets of the 20th century. This short, enigmatic poetic form is approached from three perspectives. First, we will focus on understanding the craft of haiku and the use of that knowledge to interpret the individual poems. Second, the foundations of haiku’s aesthetic principles as they developed over the centuries in Japan.  And third, the influence of Japanese haiku on such 20th century poets such as Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, Wallace Stevens and the Beat poets. Throughout the course, English language haiku of contemporary North American poets is read, and students write their own haiku verses.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 823 - Women Writers

    This course explores and perhaps reclaims the provocative treasures of women writers, ancient and contemporary and their potential capacity to transform us as human beings. The various woks studied, from the ancient poetic fragments of Sappho to the solitary lyrics of Emily Dickinson from the fictional classic of Bronte, Austen, Wharton and Virginia Woolf to the 20th century voices of Adrienne Rich, Toni Morrison, and Julia Alvarez, all give us the spectrum of authenticity in the female voice. In our reading, the questions will emerge: Do women think/write differently from men? What is the role of gender in artistic imagination? As a counter example, students will also look at Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women with its classic work in feminine psychology and Gilbert and Gubar’s groundbreaking textual analysis on women writers.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 825 - The Short Story

    A study of the short story from Poe to the present. Samplings from the British, the American, and the European, with particular attention to the major authors who reinvented the genre. At the end of the semester, students look at developments in contemporary fiction, the anti-story, the new wave, the surreal, the minimal, the mythic. Formerly HU 216

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 831 - 19th Century American Writers

    From the Gothic darkness of Edgar Allan Poe to Stephen Crane’s Red Badge, from Irving’s mystic Sleepy Hollow to Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter, from Thoreau’s idyll on Walden Pond to Melville’s terror rounding Cape Horn, from Whitman’s barbaric shout to Emily Dickinson’s lyric whisper, from Emerson’s “Self Reliance” to Mark Twain’s despairing loss of innocence, the trajectory of American Literature in the 19th century traces a movement from the past to the future. This course looks at the major writers of 19th century America, a fascinating and revolutionary period in American art, where an American past becomes an American Voice and our Original Sins form our future.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 832 - 20th Century American Writers

    An introduction to 20th century American literature and its roots. What can be traced in that literature is a movement from idealism to cynicism or, perhaps, from idealism to realism. As America from an agrarian, small town culture to an increasingly urban and industrialized society, the American Dream of infinite potential and freedom for each citizen was re-mapped, just as the Western movement changed the geographical landscape of America. How the individual - the “little guy” marginalized from self and society - reacted to this aloneness, this powerlessness is the focus of the course. We ask, as a new American century begins, what does it mean now to dream dreams, to endure nightmares? What truths do Americans continue to hold as self-evident in the wake of international terrorist violence and the uncharted seas of a new future? Of what use is literature in this?

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 833 - African American Literature

    Readings may include works by Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, Imamu Baraka, and Gwendolyn Brooks, focusing on the larger question of the role of the African-American writer in American society. Formerly HU 217

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 835 - American Politics and Culture: 1945-1975

    The interaction of politics and culture from 1940 to 1975. Course material includes fiction and poetry, history and journalism, and film. Formerly HU 422

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 841 - Introduction to Mythology

    A definition of mythmaking and an analysis of different approaches to myth, exploring the function of different myths, their relevance to the culture that created them and the forms through which the myths survive, particularly the epic tragedy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 842 - Literature of the Roman Empire

    After a glance at Greek influences, the course focuses on the literature of classical Rome. Readings from epic, drama, and lyric, with an emphasis on the interaction between those classical forms and the culture that produced them. Formerly HU 318

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 843 - Latin American Literature

    The major literary trends and writers of Latin America where the way in which writers such as Rulfo, Marquez, Lezama Lima and Mutis reinvented the Western literary tradition as they incorporated a common landscape and history into their work is explored. The origins of both their style and imagery are traced by looking at earlier exponents of Latin American literatures.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 851 - Greek Drama

    Plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes are examined to understand their integrity as works of art and to develop an appreciation of the extraordinary accomplishment of Greek drama. Formerly HU 311

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 852 - Modern Drama

    A study of the modern theater from the end of the 19th century to the mid-20th century. Students read some of the world’s most famous playwrights: Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov, Shaw, Pirandello, Lorca, Brecht, and Beckett. Theater trips are part of the experience of this course. Formerly HU 315A

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 853 - Contemporary Drama

    A study of the experimental developments in today’s theater, both on Broadway and off, from Waiting for Godot to the present moment. Students read some of the most famous playwrights of our times: Genet, Beckett, Ionesco, Albee, Pinter, Shepard, and August Wilson, as well as some exciting major new voices. Theater trips are part of the experience of this course. Formerly HU 315B

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 860 - Literature & Film

    This course explores different subjects through the arts of literature and film. Among the topics treated have been images of Vietnam, the thriller, and science fiction. Formerly HU 314

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102 May be taken twice for credit.

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 861 - Film History

    A survey of the history of film. Films to be shown are selected from the following categories: early film forms (Lumiere, Griffith, and De Mille); Dada and Surrealist influences (Leger, Bunuel, Marx Brothers, and Resnais); the impact of Constructivism and the Machine Aesthetic (Eisenstein, Vertov, and Chaplin): German Expressionists’ influence on Hollywood (Ford, Welles, Wyler, and Hitchcock); modern European and American films (Bergman, Godard, Kubrick, and Altman); and avant-garde art influences on new American cinema (Deren and Brakhage). Formerly HU 248A

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 862 - Issues in National Cinema

    Films from modern and post-modern European cinema and from emerging national cinema that demonstrate both their interaction with politics and culture and an alternative discourse to Hollywood commercial filmmaking. Italian Neo Realism; French REVISED Wave; postwar European national cinema and other national cinemas (China, Japan, Brazil, Chile, etc.) are included.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 871 - Poetry Writing Workshop

    Students’ poems are discussed, criticized, revised, and improved. Principles governing the decision to change a poem in various ways, the study of poems by American and English poets, the reading of some criticism, and concentration on the basic principles of craft are all included. Theories involve sound, content, meaning, and purpose of student poems and of poetry in general. The poet’s sense of an audience also figures in the discussion. Formerly HU 313

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 873 - Playwriting

    This workshop course introduces students to the discipline of writing for theater and radio. Focusing on the elements necessary for the creation of producible scripts, the student develops practical skills leading to the creation of a short work for stage or radio by the end of the semester. Formerly HU 322

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Priority to Theater Management and Production majors.

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LALL 875 - Fiction Writing Workshop

    This course focuses on writing short fiction in a workshop setting. Students study the elements of creative writing, experiment with several forms, and develop a clear voice. The goal is to produce a portfolio of finished pieces. Formerly HU 325

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 901 - French II

    Open to students who have completed French I or have had two or more years of high school French. Emphasis is on speaking French and reading French short stories, modern poetry, newspapers and magazines.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LALL 802

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 902 - French II

    A continuation of LALL 902. Open to students who have completed French I or have had two or more years of high school French. Emphasis is on speaking French and reading French short stories, modern poetry, newspapers and magazines.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LALL 901

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 905 - Italian II

    Open to students who have completed Italian I or have had two or more years of high school Italian. Verbal skills in Italian are developed as well as the ability to read poetry, short stories and newspaper articles in Italian.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LALL 806

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 906 - Italian II

    A continuation of LALL 905. Open to students who have completed Italian I or have had two or more years of high school Italian. Verbal skill in Italian and ability to read poetry, short stories and newspaper articles in Italian.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LALL 905

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 907 - Spanish III

    An accelerated course which reviews the basic principles of the Spanish language for students with some background of high school Spanish or Spanish I and II at UArts. Spanish grammar and culture are introduced in the context of short literacy readings, and articles from newspapers and periodicals. This course helps students develop listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing skills. It is given predominantly in Spanish.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102, LALL 808 or permission from the department.

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 908 - Spanish IV

    This course will offer a content-based review of Spanish grammar and systematic vocabulary and skill development. At this level, more advanced grammatical structures are presented. The course integrates language, culture, art, and literature. It is given predominantly in Spanish.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102, LALL 907 or permission from the department.

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 911 - Major Writers

    Focuses on the life and work of a single important writer. Among the authors who have received this intense examination have been James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, and Emily Dickinson. Formerly HU 420

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 913 - 19th Century Novel

    We study some of the most admired, best loved books of the world, written in the heyday of the novel, the 19th-century: Crime and Punishment, by Dostoevsky, Madame Bovary by Flaubert, Wuthering Heights, by Bronte, Great Expectations, by Dickens, Portrait of a Lady, by James. This is a course for people who love to read. Formerly HU 414B

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 914 - Contemporary Novel

    This is a course for people who like to read. We study 10 (count ‘em 10!) novels by some of the most interesting authors of the past two decades including works from North and South America and Eastern and Western Europe. Some are weird, some beautiful, some sexy, some funny. Formerly HU 416A

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 915 - Modern Poetry

    A consideration of both the central figures and the central movements in modern poetry. The first part of the semester addresses the stylistic changes and the ideological currents which shaped the high modernist mode. The second part of the course explores the major figures through their most important work. Figures include Yeats, Pound, Eliot, Stevens, Williams and Frost.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 916 - Contemporary Poetry

    A survey of both the central figures and the central movements in contemporary poetry. Dominant currents that emerged after WWII, including Beats, Confessional and New York Schools are included as are the formal, technical, thematic experimentation of the poetry written in the 60s and early 70s. Finally, the course examines the way a younger generation of poets has come to terms with the work of their predecessors.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 921 - Superheroes

    This course examines the most important heroes of popular culture in the Middle Ages – Beowulf, Roland, Siegfried, and King Arthur. What do these heroes and the epics in which they appear reveal about their culture? How do they compare to modern popular superheroes? Formerly HU 218

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 922 - Big Fat Famous Novel

    Three of the world’s best and most important novels: Tolstoy’s War and Peace, Melville’s Moby Dick, and Joyce’s Ulysses are read. Each provides great pleasure to the serious reader and much material for intense discussion. Each novel has the equivalent of its own little course, about one month long. Formerly HU 414A

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 923 - Children’s Literature

    This course investigates the oral traditions of world literature, which continue to nurture the imagination and sense of identity of children today, and the modern tradition of children’s literature. The course focuses on children’s literature as an introduction to the principles and forms of art and to the rule of the imagination in child development. Formerly HU 219

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 925 - The Uncanny

    The phenomenon of the Uncanny as it has been represented in literature, the graphic arts and film. Material varies but may include from Holbein and Bosch to Poe, Kafka, Lynch, and Hitchcock.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 927 - Detective Film and Fiction

    An examination of the genre known as hard-boiled detective fiction as it developed in literature and then was extended by feature films. Among the authors to be considered are Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, and Ross MacDonald; among the films are The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, and The Long Goodbye. Formerly HU 412

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 930 - Shakespeare

    The dramatic works of the supreme writer of the English Renaissance: Shakespeare. A selection of his comedies, histories, tragedies, and romances are read. Focuses on the plays not only as literary accomplishments but also as theatrical performances existing in three-dimensional space. Concerned with both the parameters of the original Renaissance stage and with modern translations and transformations of the plays. Formerly HU 411

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 951 - American Playwrights

    A study of the American theater in the past 75 years, looking at the works of such authors as O’Neill, Miller, Williams, Albee, Shepard, continuing with some recent, exciting new playwrights. Theater trips as well as showings of filmed plays. Formerly HU 316

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 953 - Art of Song Lyric

    A study of how modern song lyrics developed from the ancient tradition of lyric poetry and folk ballads and hymns. Close analysis of notable song lyrics in terms of the theme, settings narrative, character, imagery, drama and emotion. Genres include opera, blues, jazz, cabaret, musical comedy, rock, and hip-hop. Popular and classical songs are examined to show the problems and challenges of putting words to music. Performance and interpretation will also be considered. There is a substantial writing requirement: students may elect to study song lyrics or librettos or to write original song lyrics of their own.  Formerly HU 417

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 955 - Dante in the Modern World

    An exploration of Dante’s journey in the Divine Comedy, his search for order, for answers to ultimate questions and his inspiration of artists in various media, such as Baudelaire, T.S. Elliot, Tchaikovsky, Puccini, Rodin, Rauschenberg. The main subject for the study is Inferno, with references to the Purgatorio and the Paradiso.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 961 - Avant Garde Cinema

    A examination of the arts and history of experimental film and video. The development of non-traditional forms and structures is emphasized, specifically the exploration of mental states, visual metaphors and process.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 963 - American Film Genres

    A consideration of a particular film genre and style in cinema, which may include film noir, horror, comedy, political film and independent film, and varying from semester to semester.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102 Repeatable once for credit.

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 965 - Literature and Film: From Text to Screen

    Explores the conceptual and the technical leap between the written text and its transformation to a cinematic text on the screen. The students examine what happens to plot, characterization, bound and free description when a narrative text is converted to an audio-visual presentation. In certain examples, the transformation of narrative structure is from the novel to the screenplay to the finished film. Students gain insights into the relationships between written and filmed dialogue, between written description and cinematic mise-en-scene, between the novel’s omniscient narrator and the film’s voice-over. Formerly HU 413

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 973 - Advanced Playwriting

    A follow-up to Playwriting. Students further develop their writing and revising skills. In addition, the class analyzes selected contemporary plays and writes playwrights’ critiques of modern theatrical practices. Students complete a polished one-act or radio drama.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LALL 873

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 974 - Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop

    An extension of the knowledge and experience of reading and writing poetry that students gained in the Poetry Writing Workshop. Students write, revise, and critique original poems, review individual books of poems, and survey the broad sweep of contemporary poetry.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LALL 871

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LALL 975 - Advanced Fiction Writing Workshop

    A follow-up to the Fiction Writing Workshop. Students produce, critique, read, and revise short stories in a more intensive environment. Goals are to hone critical skills, develop and refine students’ individual voices, and provide a portfolio of finished pieces.


    Prerequisites & Notes
    Instructor permission required.

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 8XX - Liberal Arts Period Interpretation - Pre-20th Century

    Period Interpretations are an array of interdisciplinary courses that explore the process by which we understand cultural areas. Students consider both conventional and innovative interpretations of cultural history. All students are required to take two Period Interpretation courses, one 20th Century, and one pre-20th Century. Most students will take PI courses in the junior and/or senior years.

    General Objectives for all Period Interpretation Courses
    (to which specific objectives for individual courses will be added)

    By the end of this course, successful students will:

    1. Demonstrate mature skills interpretive reading (and viewing), critical thnking, research techniques, and academic writing;
    2. Outline the social, artistic, and political forces that define the cultural history of the period the course explores;
    3. Prepare a reasoned and persuasive scholarly argument in a independent and/or group project;
    4. Use primary and secondary sources from diverse disciplines to demonstrate comprehension of cultural history.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102 and LACR 210; must have completed 45 credits.

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 9XX - Liberal Arts Period Interpretation - 20th Century

    Period Interpretations are an array of interdisciplinary courses that explore the process by which we understand cultural areas. Students consider both conventional and innovative interpretations of cultural history. All students are required to take two Period Intrepretation courses, one 20th Century, and one pre-20th Century.  Most students will take PI course in the junior and/or senior years.

    General Objectives for all Period Interpretation Course
    (to which specific objectives for indi\vidual courses will be added)

    By the end of this course, successful students will:

    1. Demonstrate mature skills in interpretive reading (and viewing), critical thinking, research techniques, and academic writing;
    2. Outline the social, artistic, and political forces that define the cultural history of the period the course explores;
    3. Prepare a reasoned and persuasive scholarly argument in an independent and/or group project;
    4. Use primary and secondary sources from diverse disciplines to demonstrate comprehension of cultural history.



    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR*102 and LACR*210; must have completed 45 credits.

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 811 - Art Nouveau and Aestheticism

    Many threads of social, political, cultural, technological, architectural, crafts, and art history are drawn together to explore the foundations of Art Nouveau and Aestheticism and their manifestations in Europe and the United States.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 817 - Self and Nature: the Dynamics of Romantic Landscape

    This course features literature and painting of the Romantic era in England and Germany, with excursions to France and America and into the medium of music. We observe how landscape description in Romanticism developed a new vocabulary for experience of the self and the self’s relation to nature and community. Formerly HU 319

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 820 - Rome From Julius Caesar Through Nero

    This course is a study of the transition of Rome from a Republic to an Empire, focusing on the Julio-Claudian line, which began with Julius Caesar and ended with Nero. This course examines the historical background and the religious, social, and economic issues that facilitated such a transition. Accompanying the transition was a flourishing of poetry, due in part to the patronage system and in part to increased literacy of the Roman people. Economic prosperity among the upper classes led to an increased demand for architecture, visual arts (painting and sculpture), and public entertainment (theater, music and dance, spectacles, gladiatorial combats). At the same time, the division among the social classes became even more dramatic, and government censorship and intrusion into private life emerged as major concerns under Augustus. Through the use of primary sources, class handouts, and independent study, students are encouraged to investigate the transition from Republic to Empire and to explore possible parallels in contemporary U.S. history.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 821 - Religion, Art and the Apocalypse 1850 – 1914

    An examination of the apocalyptic themes in the context of modern intellectual and artistic developments in the West at the turn of the 20th century. Connections are drawn between religious interpretations of the Apocalypse and the apocalyptic motifs in modern art and literature.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 822 - Age of Reason, Age of Satire: 18th Century England

    The cultural history of England in the 18th century, focusing on two preoccupations of the day: rationalism and satire. The class introduces philosophic and political documents that justified the American and French Revolutions and then turns to satire in fiction in the visual arts. The term closes with a discussion of the 20th century satire, our legacy from the Enlightenment and Revolutionary periods.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 823 - Victorian England: Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?

    This course is a study of the two faces of Victorian England: 1) the respectable and highly moralistic image reflected in much of the art as well as in social and cultural norms, and 2) the underbelly of violence and perversion, reflected not only in the decadent artists of the 1890s but also in the social underworld of Jack the Ripper and the increasing population of prostitutes. The course also examines the historical background and the political, social, and economic issues that made such a dichotomy virtually inevitable. Artists who understood this dichotomy, in varying terms, are emphasized: Stevenson, Tennyson, Browning, the Pre-Raphaelites, Gilbert and Sullivan, Wilde, and Beardsley. Through reading, lectures, class discussion, and independent study students investigate the two faces of Victorian England and explore possible parallels in contemporary U.S. society.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 824 - “Orientalism”: 19th Century European Eyes on the Middle East

    The “Orient” (the land and its peoples included in the Ottoman Empire in the Near East, North Africa, Egypt, Palestine, and the Arabian peninsula) as seen by 19th century European travelers, artists, poets, adventures, wayfarers, do-gooders, soldiers, and colonial officials; i.e., “outsiders” in cultures they observed, imagined, marveled at, or exploited-sometimes all of them simultaneously -in their art.  The history and culture of 19th century colonial expansion is studied as is the modern discourse surrounding it.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 825 - Age of Melancholy

    Renaissance models of the self and their assimilation into artistic work. An exploration of how social forces drove individuals toward subjectivity and looks at how the then current medical models coped with this new concern through 16th and 17th century lyric and dramatic poetry. Parallels are also traced among literature, print culture, and music.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 826 - Renaissance: Politics, Religion and Money

    A exploration of three modern interpretations of the Renaissance, political, religious and economic against central texts from the period to both test their validity and gain a wider understanding of the texts themselves. Modern interpretations include those of Burckhardt, Weber and Marx.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hr

  • LAPI 827 - Greece: Democracy and Empire

    Greece: Democracy and Empire is an introduction to classical Greece. It explores the historic forces, intellectual currents, cultural and social phenomena that shaped 5th century Athens and analyzes the tensions between imperialistic aspirations and artistic production.The course investigates the way in which the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars shaped and challenged Greek ideas about humanness and civilization. It analyzes and interprets Greek drama to see the extent to which it attempted to work out the often contradictory values in the culture. Students examine both extant theoretical writings on dance and the vase painting to understand their performative aspect.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 831 - Chartres Cathedral: Politics, Society, and the Arts 12th - 13th Century France

    A consideration of the architecture, sculpture, stained glass, illuminated manuscripts, costume and liturgical vessels, and music that contributed to Chartres Cathedral, the major gothic monument of the 12th -13th century France. At the end of the course, we consider the work presently being done to configure a sacred space in New York to honor the 9/11 site.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 832 - Bodily and Spiritual Love in the Middle Ages

    An investigation of the language of erotic and religious love in the rich art and thought of the late Middle Ages. Resources include painting, book illumination, music, spiritual literature, theology, philosophy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 834 - Age of the Medici: 1375 - 1500

    A study of Florence in the Renaissance in the context of other Italian city-states. Covering the period from the republican regime at the end of the 14th century to the Medici’s assumption of power as dukes, the course examines the pursuit of humanistic studies that sustained the republican ideology of that society; Florence’s political and societal evolution from a republic to an autocratic regime; the flourishing arts and sciences, particularly under the rule of the Medici. It also investigates why, at that time, the city enjoyed an exceptional burst of intellectual and artistic creativity despite the erosion of political freedom. In the course we make use of primary sources and modern scholarship.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 920 - Berlin: The 1920s

    The 20th century saw a cultural shift of nearly seismic proportions from communal sources of identity to an apparent freedom to invent the self, from work ethic to consumer values, from traditional word-based forms of expression to a visual culture. The artists and writers of Weimar, Germany were among the first to register these revolutionary social changes and to articulate the tensions they continue to generate. The course emphasizes film, photographic and graphic arts, and performance from Berlin. Examples include works by Bertolt Brecht, Fritz Lang, and John Heartfield. The course connects the past to the present by comparing issue-based art of the 1920s with cultural critiques by contemporary media artists.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 923 - The Age of Apartheid

    By focusing on the apartheid era of South Africa, this interdisciplinary course explores critical issues of the 20th century, such as racism, economic exploitation, urbanization, and political protest. We use South African theater, literature, and music to understand the culture that gave them birth, and read original sources written by leaders such as Gandhi, De Klerk, and Mandela. Formerly HU 276

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 924 - Existential Paris: 1938 - 1959

    An examination of the central ideas and creative works associated with Parisian Existentialism and the way in which they both shaped, and were shaped by, the cultural period in which they emerged: Nazi-occupied Paris, the liberated Paris after World War II, and the Cold War. Other artistic productions not specifically linked with existentialism but which emerged during its period of ascendance are also explored.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 925 - New York in the 1950s

    This course investigates the arts centered in 1950s New York (with an emphasis on jazz, literature, and painting) in the context of a decade characterized by rising consumerism, conformity, corporate capitalism, and emerging popular arts that would reshape American culture from then on. This is also the decade of Red Scare paranoia, A-bomb anxiety, Cold War blues, and deep doubts about the American Dream. In addition to the assigned readings, papers, and discussions, students pursue their own interests in the decade through individual projects in the second half of the course. As a supplement to the course, a number of special screening of films important to the decade are shown several times during the term. Students are expected to see and complete exercises on at least three of the films.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 926 - Les Amis de Paris: 1904-1913

    This course examines the friendship and work of a select group of artists living in Paris between 1904 and 1913. Studying the biographical and interpersonal layers of their relationships and artwork provides new insight into the legacy of these masters. The literature of Gertrude Stein, Apollinaire, and others, the visual art of Picasso, Matisse and the Cubists, as well as other materials and mediums contribute to understanding how this particular circle of friends cultivated the artistic and intellectual leaps that created Modernism. Interdisciplinary methods for creating cultural models are explored.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 927 - Becoming Modern: 1900 - 1914

    An exploration of the innovations in the arts in the first decade and a half of the 20th century when becoming Modern was the challenge facing every artist. The results were works that called into question almost every previous assumption about the arts. This was a period also characterized by radical changes in technology, in science, in philosophy, and in politics. This course investigates a wide range of material in order to bring some clarity to the elusive term “modern.” In addition to the assigned readings, papers, and discussions, students pursue their own interests in the decade through independent study “side trips” in the second half of the course.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 928 - Franco’s Spain: An Open Wound

    Spanish history from 1700 to the present, focusing most heavily on the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) and the dictatorship of Francisco Franco (1939-1975). Students learn about the War of Spanish Succession (1702-1713), the Bourbon Monarchy and Eighteenth Century Reforms (1700-1808), the Peninsular War (1808-1814), the turbulent nineteenth century, the First Republic (1873-74), the military dictatorship of Primo de Rivera (1923-1930), the Second Republic (1831-36), the transition to democracy (1975-1978), and Spain since the death of Franco. Students also discuss Spanish poetry (Miguel de Unamuno), art (Salvador Dali, Joan Miro, and Pablo Picasso), novels and plays (Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls and Lora’s Yerma), and memoirs about the Spanish Civil War (George Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia).

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 929 - Age of the Masses: From Versailles to September 1, 1939

    Focusing on the aftermath of WWI, looks at the period as one where the dissolution of old social orders led to the emergence of the crowds as catalysts in the tensions between liberalism, conservativism and socialism.  Students examine at essays, poems, films and listen to music. The most extensive part of the course, however, considers the work of three poets, Cesar Vellejo, W.H. Auden, and Bertold Brecht to analyze the ways in which each of these writers commented on central historical events, while exploring the tensions between art and wider social concerns, ultimately testing the humanistic assumptions inherent to all works of art against historical reality.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 930 - Age of Consumer Culture 1945-1972

    An exploration of the way in which consumer culture redefined America in the post-war period and transformed its culture, including the reconfiguration of space. Particular focus is placed on the rise of the suburb, television and malls and the ways in which these redefined the role of public and private, reshaping art, politics and audiences. Students look at poetry, fiction, and the visual arts and trace their reaction from an initial anti-materialist critique to gradual incorporation and appropriation.


    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3hrs

  • LAPI 931 - Thunder at Dusk: Art and Politics in turn-of-the-century Vienna

    Signature developments in painting, theater, music, poetry, fiction, philosophy, psychology and design in the extraordinary environment of turn-of-the century Vienna. Figures covered include Freud, Mahler, Schoenberg, Kafka, Trakl, Klimt, Schiele and others.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).


    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs.

  • LAPI 932 - Race at the End of the 20th Century

    In the last decade of the 20th century, many writers, politicians, and artists attempted to take stock of race relations in the United States. Bill Clinton’s assertion that Americans still had some “unfinished business” in this area was demonstrated by events such as the LA riots and the OJ Simpson verdict. By focusing on this period, we will explore the ongoing issues of race and racism in our society, as well as how they intersect with issues like class and gender.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 934 - The Blues

    This course examines African-American social and cultural history at the crossroads of folklore, literacy narrative, and politics as it is reflected in and expressed by the musical idiom of the blues.  Drawing from folk traditions, song, historical texts, documentary film, recorded and live music, dramatic literature, and dance, the course will apply interdisciplinary and ethnographic modes of analysis to interpret modern American cultural and social history.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).


    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 935 - Spain After Franco: The Flowering of the Arts since 1975

    This course provides a close examination of the visual and performing arts of Spain, from the 1980s to the present day. Through selected readings, in-class discussions, film screenings, field trips, guest speakers, lecture-demonstrations, and student presentations, we will develop a deep understanding of what this complex culture is like, how it became that way, and how it is likely to develop in the future. Artist to be studied include Basque sculptor Christina Iglesias, choreographer Nacho Duato, flamenco superstars Paco de Lucia, Estrella Morente and Sara Baras, plus filmmaker Pedro Almodovar.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).


    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPI 936 - Post World War II Amsterdam

    Amsterdam isn’t known as a place of tolerance. By concentrating on Amsterdam’s history, art and culture following World War II, this concept of tolerance will be described and analyzed, with the ultimate purpose of seeing if it really exists, and if it does exist, what it is and why it is. Also, given the recent murders of politician Pim Fortuyn and filmmaker Theo Van Gogh by extremists in traditionally non-violent Holland, the course will examine whether this famed tolerance in now under threat. The first part of the course will look at early Dutch history and culture as a prerequisite for understanding contemporary Amsterdam.  The great bulk of the course will concentrate on the post-World War II period through a study of history, philosophy, literature, film, architecture, painting and photography. Included in this course will be a reading of Albert Camus’s novel, The Fall, an analysis of art movements like DeStijl and CoBrA, a look at modern Dutch architectural movements such as the Amsterdam School, a viewing of the film “Submission,” directed by Theo Van Gogh, and a reading of Infidel, an autobiographical work by the controversial politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 210

    Student must have completed the second semester of their Sophomore year (45 credits).



    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

  • LAPR 811 - Topics in Philosophy

    Selected topics in Western philosophy. Focusing on developing an understanding of the arguments of selected Western philosophers and analyzing the various ideas they present. Some of the “big questions” that appear in philosophy questions concerning the nature of reality, the definition of terms such as “justice” and “happiness” and the meaning of “values” are examined. Primary sources comprise most of the readings.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 812 - Introduction to Chinese Philosophy

    Basic principles in Chinese philosophy, particularly Daoism and Confucianism. Students examine the philosophical texts such as the Doa De Jing, the Zhuangzi, and the Analects, working from primary sources. In the process, students gain an understanding of Chinese thinking in metaphysics, ethics, and other areas of philosophy.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 813 - Greek Philosophy

    Topics in Greek philosophy, with an emphasis on the works of the pre-Socratics, Plato, and the Stoics. Emphasizes the development of ability to understand the arguments of selected Greek philosophers and analyze the various ideas they present. To do this, some of the “big questions” that appear in Greek philosophy - questions concerning the nature of reality, the definition of terms such as “justice” and “happiness,” and the meaning of “values” is examined. Primary sources comprise most of the readings.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 831 - Introduction to the Bible

    The main themes of the Bible are explored from a modern, critical, nondenominational point of view. No knowledge of the Bible is assumed. Using historical and literary analysis, continuities as well as differences between the Hebrew and Christian scriptures are examined. Formerly HU 268

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 832 - Introduction to World Religion

    An exploration of world religious traditions originating in Africa, America, China, India, Japan, and the Middle East. Religions are studied in their historical and cultural context, including their development into various forms over the years and in different places, and their beliefs regarding the cosmos, society, the self, and good vs. evil. Formerly HU 292

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 841 - Comparative Religion: ASIA

    A study of the world’s Asian religions through their historical development, beliefs, sacred literature, and the works of contemporary writers. The course discusses Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Confucianism Taoism, Shintoism, and Yin-Yang school of mysticism. Formerly HU 466

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 842 - Comparative Religions: Religions in America

    A historical study of beliefs and practices of various religious groups that have shaped American culture, including Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Scientists, Scientologists and others. We discuss traditional main-line groups as well as newer movements, and pay special attention to ethnic and racial minorities, as well as to women in American religion. Formerly HU 467

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 850 - Introduction to Aesthetics

    An introduction to the philosophy of art. After a brief examination of analytic philosophical methods and the history of aesthetics, we consider some of the fundamental problems in aesthetics, such as the intention of the artist, the physical object/aesthetic object distinction, and the nature and comparison of different kinds of media. The relationship between language and art are central to the course. Formerly HU 270

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 851 - Arts Criticism

    A writing course designed to promote understanding and interpretation of the arts across a multidisciplinary spectrum and to provide students with the basic tools of critical analysis. Group discussion and selected readings. Formerly HU 323

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 853 - Ethics

    The history of ethics and the fundamental ethical problems that have concerned philosophers for the past 2,500 years. The study begins with Plato and Aristotle and extends to the contemporary analytic philosophy, phenomenology, and existentialism. Problems include the “is/ought” distinction, the ultimate objective of life, religious issues, human rights, justice, and welfare. Formerly HU 373

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 855 - Style in Art

    A seminar exploring the question of style in the literary, visual, and performing arts as well as in craft and applied arts (including film, industrial design, and the fashion industry). We consider theories about organicism and periodicity in style, as they relate to tradition, trends, social and economic conditions, and evolving cultural norms. Themes include: ateliers and authorship; historic “revivals,” changing standards of beauty and form; and stylistic phases in the careers of major writers, artists, and composers. The aim of the course is to develop a practical, descriptive vocabulary for the analysis of artistic style. Formerly HU 395

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 862 - Dance & Expressive Culture

    Dance is woven into the mythology, theater, music, poetry, and literature of many cultures. The course considers dance as it has influenced and has been influenced by these forms of creative expression in the Western World. Formerly HU 293

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 911 - Contemporary Philosophy

    An examination of some of the problems occupying today’s philosophers and the strategies they have devised to address them. Formerly HU 474

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 913 - Existential Philosophy

    Selected concepts in Existential philosophy, discussed in the context of selected works from Dostoyevsky, Sartre, Camus, Nietzsche and others. The course examines further many of the issues concerning epistemology, ethics and the search for meaning brought up in LAPR 811.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 914 - Modern Russian Thought: Philosophy, Literature, Mysticism

    Cultivates an understanding of modern Russian thought in its various manifestations and an acquaintance with and a critical appreciation of the thinkers discussed. A special attention is paid to comparative and interdisciplinary issues, focusing on “Russia and the West”, and how Russian intellectuals reacted to the challenge of Western thought and culture in the 19th and 20th centuries. Students read and discuss the works of many prominent Russian philosophers, including Nikolai Berdiaev and Lev Shestov, a Russian émigré mystic and founder of theosophy, Elena Blavatsky, as well as world renowned Russian writers, Lev Tolstoi, Fiodor Dostoevskii.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 933 - Introduction to Zen Buddhism

    An examination of the Zen understanding of being human: the problem of human existence Zen seeks to resolve, the liberation it claims to achieve, the meaning of the satori or “Awakening,” which Zen claims is the basis of this liberation, the Zen koan as the meaning through which the Awakening is attained, the art that results from Awakening, and the possible contributions of Zen to the contemporary spiritual, philosophic, and artistic situation in the West.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisite: LACR 102

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs
  • LAPR 950 - Aesthetics Seminar

    Advanced philosophic problems that are related to works of art and discourse about works of art. Focus varies from year to year but may include Postmodernism, Neo-Marxism, reception aesthetics, and gender and sexuality identity.

    Prerequisites & Notes
    Prerequisites: LACR 102 and LAPR 850

    Credits: 3 cr, 3 hrs

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