Feb 14, 2025
2019-2020 University Catalog [Archived Catalogue]
ETEC 656 Blended + Flipped Learning: What Is It All About?
3 credits 42.0 hours 600 level graduate course
Are you looking to expand your knowledge of- and ways to best facilitate- blended and flipped learning? We will explore multiple ways to optimize- and to comfortably and appropriately balance- classroom time and at-home time within blended and flipped formats. Begin to experiment with flipped classroom practices using free classroom resources. Learn how to flip learning in any environment, even with limited online access and/or limited devices. How might you use structures that are already in place, such as stations and clusters, to tailor the best learning experience for students in your classroom? Open to K-12 educators who have experience at all levels of blended learning and flipped classroom implementation.
Open to graduate students from the Division of Continuing Studies. This course is not repeatable for credit. This course may not be audited. This course cannot be taken pass/fail.